Reluctantly Injured

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I am bored. There is nothing to do. The Sicora haven't been near me in a long time, nothing has happened to the Kymari child, and there's o gossip to listen to. As an outlet for my bored i've started watching the Kymari more. The child has been well protect since the sicora attack, I am very relieved by that. I am glad that I don't have to save them again. I never want to be that close to a Kymari again. That incident with the guards was more than enough. Right now I am hungry. I have a craving for berries so I fly along the city border looking for some. I see the golden female on the shoulder of a Kymari woman. I trill a greating to her. She trills one back. I fly past them and glide downwards to the street. The Kymari woman stops a few feet from me.
"Hello again." I tell the golden dragonet.
"Hello. How are you? I haven't seen you in a while. You've caused quite the stir within the Kymari."
"I guess I should move again then."
"This is the most I've seen you speak to anyone. Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing is wrong. I am just lonely, no need to worry."
"Thank goodness."
"Goodbye, Tasha."
"Wait, what's your name?"
"Farewell, Tristan."
I spread my wings and resume my search. I spot some and land on the pot that the plant is housed in. I start to pluck and eat some. I hear something approaching me from behind. I let out a warning hiss. It doesn't stop it even hesitate so I whirl around send a warning flame and fly up to the roof of the building I was closest to. I look down to see two Kymari arguing. I have no idea what about, but it seems to be heated. They start shoving eachother roughly so I let out a screech in the hopes of breaking them apart. They freeze and back away from each other. I look closer and see the child's father and a strange man. They look up at me and I hiss. I want them to leave so I can eat in peace. I stretch before swooping down to land on the father of the child's shoulder. He looks at me in awe. I squawk at and hiss at the other.
"It seems to like you."
"I think it recognizes me."
"From what?"
"It saved my son once and I healed it when it got injured."
"That's amazing."
I screech before gently batting my wings against the Kymari's head.
"I think it wants us to leave. Is that what you want?"
I trill happily to show that he was correct.
"We'll be on our way then."
I beat my wings and push off from his shoulder. I fly up to the roof again to wait for them to leave. They soon do and I return to my berries. I eat my fill and return home to my hollow tree.

The next day I rise before the sun and fly to a open spot. I watch as the sun begins to rise. I hover in the air until it rises. I duck and dive, swoop and twirl, I sing out in praise for the new day. To soon the sun has risen and I return to my solitude.

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