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Once they reached back home, with Amora munching on her small fry, Jaxon got out of his car and opened her door, grabbing the food from her hands and putting it back in the bag. Amora whined and groaned, reaching for the food again but Jaxon kept it out of her reach.

"Jaxon," She whined and tried to fight him for the food that he kept away from her. "Give me my food back. You ruined dinner," She said and started to tear up. Her hormones were all over the place.

Jaxon eyes widened and he immediately gave her the food back when he saw her tears. He didn't want her to cry anymore, it hurt him also seeing her like that. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort her, but she pushed him away and started to stomp towards the home.

"Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't even look at me." She snapped and opened the door, going straight to her room.

Jaxon stood there frozen. "What the hell?" He muttered under his breath before shutting her door and locking his car. He made his way up to the house and opened the door, locking it behind him as he removed his shoes.

He started to walk towards her room after throwing his keys on the counter. He stopped in front of the average, white door and hesitantly knocked and the door was immediately opened with arms wrapped around his waist tightly.

Jaxon bit back a chuckle. "You alright?" He asked and planted a gentle kiss against her head and wrapped his arms around the small of her back, rubbing it gently when he heard her quiet whimper.

Amora nodded, but then shook her head right after. "No," She said and huffed pulling away and grabbing his hand, pushing him into her room and closed the door. Jaxon was confused as he watched Amora walk away into the closet, but she came back out in just a pair of sweatpants and one of his shirts she somehow got.

Jaxon bit back a huge grin that threatened to make way to his face. "Amora, Love, what's wrong? You just told me not to tou-..." His words died out when she walked up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she planted a large kiss against his cheek.

Amora's cheek turned to a light pink blush, as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. "I know what I said." She whispered. "But my hormones are all over the place." She whispered and hesitantly stepped closer to him and basically burying her body into his, moving her arms to wrap tightly around his waist.

Jaxon grinned softly and chuckled, though it didn't last long. He sighed gently and wrapped his arms back around her frail and petite frame. "Amora..." He whispered, his voice held a husky tone. She shivered at his breath fanning her neck; she couldn't look up at him with this major blush against her cheeks.

"Amora," He called again, tightening his hold against her.

She hesitantly looked up and saw his eyes already trained down on her. His stare was intense; she gulped. Her eyes widened when she saw him leaning down. His lips grazed her cheek, awfully close to her lips.

Amora felt a deep blush coat her cheeks, yet a small smile twitched on her lips. This was the closet physical activity she'd been in since what had happened to her. She pushed the thought aside, knowing he was locked up again. That's when her eyebrows furrowed.

"How did he know where I was? H-How... How was he locked up? How did the police know?" She asked and took a step back away from him, and went to the closet, grabbing something to change in as she put space between them.

Jaxon sighed. His heart panged when she stepped away from him, but he didn't, and wouldn't pressure her into anything. Even a singular kiss that she seemed oblivious about. He sat down on her bed and rubbed his eyes, raking a hand through his hair.

"I... I- uh... I did research. And I made a bargain with him, and I got him to meet me at the restaurant. I wish I didn't have to do that too you, Amora, but the police wanted to make sure that was the correct guy. So they said too unexpectedly, send him inside. And they got what they wanted. I got him locked up for you," He explained, even if it sounded confusing.

Amora's heart melted. "Y-you would do that... for me?" She whispered as she came out of the closet in just a baggy, long shirt because it was hot and very comfortable. She got into bed on the other side, leaning her head against his shoulder.

Jaxon was quite. He couldn't keep it in anymore. He had to tell her, even if it met she didn't feel the same way. But, if she felt even half of what he did towards her, he would be so happy.

"I Love You," He said.

Amora froze. Her heart beat faster and her hands started to shake. She stiffened. She repeated his words in her head over and over again in her head. Tears filled her eyes. She was... was-... Amora was broken out of her train of thought by Jaxon again after a long moment of silence.

"Amora," He whispered. "It's okay if you don't feel the same wa-..." His words were stopped when a pair of soft lips met his. He was frozen in shock. Amora had cut him off talking by kissing him, and it was working. Though, she pulled away all too soon for Jaxon's liking.

"J-Jaxon," Amora stuttered, quite shocked at what she just did herself. "I... I do like you... a lot, but... I'm not sure exactly what I feel." She whispered, her gaze falling in shame. She knew she liked him a whole lot, and it may be love, but she wasn't ready to commit. She wanted to be sure of her feelings.

Jaxon lifted her chin with a wide, toothy grin. He shook his head. "That's okay, Love." He whispered. "I'm just glad I'm not the only one with feelings," He whispered and kissed the top of her head. He was about to get up and leave, but Amora grabbed his wrist.

Her face flushed slightly. "C-can you stay with me?" She asked, almost a pleading tone. Jaxon brightened up even more. He nodded, but he went to change first. It wasn't a long wait though and Amora was already under the blankets.

Jaxon came back in a pair of sweatpants and a solid shirt. He slid under the covers and laid down next to her. He smiled softly. He kissed her head softly before speaking.

"Good night, my love,"



This is still ongoing! I am going through some things, so updates will be slow! <3

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