The neighbors that wouldn't leave

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My new husband, Jason and I were moving into a large two story, farm house built in the early nineteen hundreds, the outer walls were white, the paint still beautiful no chips or cracks, to make the house even better, a large oaken porch wrapped around it, and a tall oak door welcomed you, also hiding it's dark secret

On moving day, we drove to the house, we were passing by a house older than ours, by about one hundred years, the paint was chipping, and fading, but I could tell the place was once blue, a white front porch stood falling apart. As we passed the two-story country home, I gazed to one of the windows of the second floor, I could've sworn I saw someone looking out of it. Our realtor told us no-one's been in that house since the Fifties, I brushed it off as a figment of my imagination. Looking back, I should have told Jason about it, but it seemed like such an insignificant detail I just dropped it.

"Harmony! We're adults now, we've got an actual house!" before this we had to settle for apartments, which were great and all, but when you're twenty-six years old, you want a place of your own, no landlords, and our own driveway.

"I know honey! We're homeowners!" I said full of excitement, we finally pull into our drive way, our parents pull in behind us in the moving van.

I walk up to the door, a welcome mat sits in front of the door, I pick up one of the edges, and find the envelope containing the keys.
I handed them to Jason,
"You do the honors!"
"My pleasure" he took the keys out of the yellow envelope, put them in the lock and pushed open the door. Then he swooped me off my feet, and carried me over the threshold, while our parents stood and cheered.

The next day, all the boxes of things were in the house, our goal was to get our house set up by the end of the day, so we could go out that night.
"Hey where's the hammer, do you have it up there?" I found just the right place in the foyer to hang a beautiful mirror I found at a rummage sale
" Dining room table" he called from the bedroom he was working in
I went to the kitchen, but the hammer wasn't on the table, it was on the floor, like someone placed it there, it didn't fall, we would have heard a metal hammer hit the floor.
"Jason, babe?"

"Yes Harmony?"
" Did you put the hammer on the floor?" he came down stairs, so we wouldn't have to keep yelling up the stair,
"Why would I do that?"
" I don't know, probably to spook me." I said, thinking he was messing with me
"Your dad had it in there when he was building the counter." It seemed logical, my dad must have laid it on the floor, and forgotten about it, so I picked up the hammer, and hung the mirror

That night, after going out to diner we pulled into our drive way, I walked up to the door and quickly noticed it was slightly open. I jumped back from it, like it was a snake

"Jason" I whispered to him he was a little bit behind me, looking at his phone he didn't hear me whisper, so I whispered a little louder, he looks up from his phone and sees the door,

"Harmony, take my phone lock yourself in the truck and call 911." I knew he was going to go in there like an idiot, I said

"What if he has a gun, maybe we should both lock ourselves in the car." I grabbed his arm and tried to hold him back, but it was no use, he broke free from my grip, put me in the truck and locked the door

"Call 911!" I dialed the number, and watched my husband slowly open the door the rest of the way, and tip toe in. I looked up to the window a couple minutes later, and saw a figure, I assumed was Jason, but when he came out of the house the figure was still standing there.

"No one's there, they must have left, I don't think anything's missing." by then I heard police sirens, coming down the street

"who.." I started to ask, but I gazed back to the window, and what ever it was there, was gone

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