Wattpad Original
There are 8 more free parts

IMPORTANT NOTE - please read!!

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Dear Future Reader or Rereader,

First of all, I want to tell you that 'The Long Way Back' has been picked up to be the part of Wattpad Paid Stories.

To be honest, I don't expect that my story would be picked up by Wattpad to be a part of any of their program at all. However, it is a nice surprise that I can earn a little bit money from writing stories. It is a writer's dream after all, getting money from doing what we love.

I love writing enough to churn up thousands of words and telling my readers about my characters' stories. Sitting in front of my laptop and pour out words into the Word document, even though I am a busy university student, I love writing enough to do it for free and let you guys take a peek inside my head.

That's why I am asking you to support me through this journey. Believe me, I know it must be inconvenient for you readers because you will have to pay to read my story. But I hope you guys understand why it is very important for me to have my story picked up by the program.

I care about you guys and the reason The Long Way Back even got picked up by the program because you readers give it a shot to read about the stories that I tell.

I am going to be honest with you, writing is not always an easy feat. Sometimes when inspiration doesn't strike in the right time, it can be tempting to leave in the middle of it. Not to mention my other responsibilities as a university student also serves as an obstacle to my writing pursuit at times.

If you guys choose not to read this story or you guys cannot afford it, I completely understand. It still makes my mind blown that Wattpad has enough faith in my story to pick it up as a part of their program and I hope you guys also trust my story enough to support it. Honestly don't feel forced to pay just to read my book and please respect my decision to be on board on this program. I truly get it if you don't want to pay in order to read a story online.

That being said, I hope you guys are also willing to be a part of my journey to improve myself as a better writer. Wattpad has been a home to my stories since 2014. Worry not, there are lots of other stories that remains to be free for your access! In general, Wattpad will always be free as there are so many other stories that are still free.

In conclusion, I hope you guys can see where I am coming from, a struggling college student who got offered an opportunity to make money out of their passion. Thank you for reading this note, whatever your decision may be.



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