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" Did you hear about Tyler by the way?" Zafeer asks.

"No but I heard he should be back soon." Faze says.

"Poor guy."

"WHOse that?" I ask.

"He works here too he went on vacation ended up injured 'round 2 months ago. But I think he's coming back to work next week" Zafeer says and I nod.

"Wow." I say quietly.

"Have you worked somewhere else before Qulsum?" Ilana asks.

"No actually I haven't. I wrote I wanted to be a writer but not so much anymore. I'm still trying to figure things out. I don't think I'll work here forever." I say laughing.

"Well I don't see myself as someone to work at an office. I think I'd be better off moving around."

"Makes sense. But it's not so bad. We have fun when Mr.Rami is out. Sometimes we go to meet clients and while we're out catch a movie or have a picnic." Faze says and they chuckle.

"Wow...Does he know you guys..."

"No no no! Of course not. Listen Qulsum rules are made to be broken." Faze says.

"Mr.Rami is her husband Faze..."

At that moment i felt liek i got caught lying even though i've tried multiple times to tell them but they kept cutting me off.


"HER HUSBAND!" Ilana says raising her voice and gritting her teeth.

"My bad.." Faze says.

"Well it's no big deal. I know how to keep my mouth shut. Plus what if I wanna go meet clients one day." I say laughing.

"Not bad rami. Not bad at all. " Zafeer says and I grin.

"We'll get fired." Ilana says looking me in the eye.

"Fired for that? You'd probably get a warning or something."

"Nope. Mr. Rami fires people off the bat. Especially if it has anything to do with poor work ethic." Zafeer says.

"Wow." I say quietly.

"Don't worry you'll be fine. Eat your soup it's getting cold." Faze says.

" Why do you guys work here if .."

"Oh working here isn't all bad Mrs.Rami."


"There's good pay. We take breaks when we want. We get 3 weeks paid vacation..."

"Qulsum." I turn around. It was obviously Yaseen. Just the way he said my name made me anxious.

"Hey you're back." I say seeing the other lady stand next to him. The one he went with. The one who sat on my seat.

"Ya. I'll see you when you're done." He says turning to the lady.

"Do you wanna sit with them?"

"No I'm full. I should get to work." She says and he nods. They left.

I turned to the table. i was annoyed. I wanted to smack Yaseen. It wasnt a trust issue. It was jus jealousy. 

"That's Chloe. She talks to like everyone she's like Mr.Rami's favourite employee." Ilana says chewing on her food. Why was she telling me this. It's so unnecessary.

"How long has she been working here?" I ask.

"Hmmm longer than we all have." Zafeer says.

"We always thought they had a thing going." Ilana says and the men look at her giving her a stare. 

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