(14) - Help?

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Omg! Thank you guys so much for the 1k views! This chapter is dedicated to @afifa3750 and @Moumyne for voting.

Third POV

Striding high and proud into the board of directors office, Autumn had one goal in my mind- to get her fired. There was no way she was going to work under a power craving boss and help her with her devious plan.

Her boss was a lunatic and obsessed. Her reign of wanting to be rich was an affair Autumn did not want to be apart of. It was in-humane and cruel.

A pawn in a game. She thought. Autumn was the puppet in this situation and she hated her master. The person who threatened her son and her. There was no sugar coding it.

A wicked game to make a successful man fall in love with a vile women who only desired fame and money not him.

Her boss was pure evil, wanting to make someone fall in love with her, only for it to be a lie. Autumn felt empathy and compassion for the guy. She knew too well what it felt for someone to break your heart into pieces, and the after effects of the harsh reality of heartbreak. Sad memories struck Autumn like a storm crashing in the mist of a sunny day. Now looking back, she felt unworthy and stupid for letting it happen.

Autumn thought that her love of her life loved her but she was wrong.

The man who stoled her heart did the one thing she always feared of.

The thing he promised he would never do.


Autumn never understood why people cheat. Why people cheat knowing they will hurt someone in the end?

There was no good reason to cheat. Fall out of love yes, but that is not fair to the person you are committed to. It wasn't fair to Autumn.

Autumn was happy and was sure that this guy was the one. Obviously she was way off. Instead, she got a cheating ex boyfriend and wasted a two year relationship for it to end like it meant nothing.

She was the perfect girlfriend-well close to the idea of it and loyal-might I add, to end in a 'stupid mistake.' That was the classic excuse for cheating and that's what Autumn got. Her ex called it a 'stupid mistake.' If it was a mistake then why did you shove your tiny di*k into another girl? Or did it magically get there? She argued. It didn't make sense and in the end it was a crappy excuse.

Cheating was the worst thing you can ever do to a person. Being rejected suck, I'm mean c'mon it's rejection but Autumn rather be rejected then get cheated on. She felt so stupid believing that love, at least for her, was real.  Being cheated on and lied to made Autumn question everything and herself.

Sure, she would've felt upset that he fell out of love with her, if that was a good enough reason, but she would have understood. He didn't have to cheat and ruin her to prove it.

Nevertheless, it didn't matter what the reason for cheating was... the breakup was one hundred times worse because of it.

Months to no end Autumn thought it was her fault that he cheated. Her thoughts were filled with insecurities. Was she too clingy, too fat or too ugly? Nessa being the true friend that she was helped her get back to her feet. Who needs a man right?

The point was Autumn didn't want to be apart of a plot to crush someone's heart who may possibly fall in love with that wretched witch.

"Miss Black?" A man in his fifties catches her attention, interrupting her thoughts. Autumn politely smiles, reassuring she was listening.

"Come with me. You wanted to speak to Mr. Miller correct?"

"Yes, that's him," The man nods leading Autumn into an office.

"What do you mean it's invalid and I can't do anything?" She exclaimed, outraged that she couldn't do anything.

"Miss Black, you don't have any evidence or proof to support that acquisition of Ms. Matthews. If you don't, other board members and myself will see it as termination and you will be fired for the misjudgment and misconduct of others. I suggest you keep yourself in line and not get involve in business that is not yours. It will cost you your job," He sternly told Autumn, making sure his point came across.

"Ms. Matthews is the beloved and honest employee of the year and if you do something it will fall on you. So, think wisely Miss Black," He said, scolding at Autumn in a way.

Autumn's mouth on the other hand dropped at his words. First of all, she came to do something yet this man was holding back to help her. He basically told her to back off and let it go.

He looked like he didn't want to be involved but there was something else. Something Autumn had to guess. His readable eyes held warning and power. He was hiding something, Autumn was so sure. She knew there was something but she couldn't pinpoint what it was.

And she was going to find out what. Why was he uneager to to help? Isn't that what board members do? Help unfair treatments and expose misconduct of employees behaviors.

Autumn mentally laugh at the employee of the year, her boss. From what she knew her boss wasn't employee of the year material. There was something that she was missing. Ms. Matthews was bitchy and yet she had manage to get the award. Something wasn't adding up and it was ticking her off.

"So, in the end, you are not going to help me?" She questioned trying to keep herself in check, ignoring everything he said. She was boiling in anger that she couldn't do anything.

He shook his head immediately no. You have got to be kidding?! Autumn politely excused herself before saying anything she would regret.

New plan. Find out what Mr.Miller is hiding and find a new way to bring Ms. Matthews down. She exhaled as she left the office.


Okay guys, this is it for this chapter

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Okay guys, this is it for this chapter. I'm so sad... I written this chapter but it didn't save so I had to re-write it in this version so if it's not that good I'm sorry. Anyways... thanks for voting and comment down how I'm doing.

Until next time...

Love, The Author


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