Chapter 2- admitting to him

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The next morning, all the girls were acting a little weird. Especially when around their destined loves. It was just a lot to process. Most of them did have feelings for their destined loves, but knowing it was tough. When were they supposed to say something? When was it ok to tell them without ruining their friendships with them. Would it ever be ok?

This would be even harder to deal with for most of them, because the boys were staying there, at the same Pokémon center. But, they would have to deal with it eventually.

May stood on the beach with her Glaceon, perfecting a contest move.

"Ok, now use iron tail and mirror coat!" May cheered. Glaceon did as her trainer commanded and unleashed the attack into the sand. "Great job! How about a little break." May returned her Pokémon. She put the pokeball away and pulled out another "Ok, up next-"

"May?" Drew announced behind her.

May jumped in surprise and turned toward him, with a noticeable blush on her cheeks. "D-Drew...what doing here?" May stuttered, taking a step back.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Drew questioned, stepping forward.

"Whaaaat? I don't know what you're talking about." May lied.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Drew quizzed. "If I did I'm sorry."

"N-no. You didn't do anything." May responded. "It's just...something happened during the girls day. Something I really need to think about."

Drew gave a curious look as he thought about what she said. "So, something happened that has to do with me?" Drew concluded.

"Sort of." May muttered, looking away.

"Can you tell me what it is? Maybe I could help or something? I don't like when you avoid me." Drew stated.

"Well, we came across this fortune teller who could tell us our true loves." May began. Drew looked worried, and kind of sad. "She...she told me that I knew my future husband. That...there is a lot of rivalry between us...but there is a lot of love...and he has green eyes and hair."

"You" Drew pointed to himself, blushing.

May nodded slowly. "Yeah."

"Did she say anything else?" Drew questioned.

"Maybe..." May whispered. "...but, I don't want you to think you owe me anything if I tell you. Promise me you won't think any different of me."

"I promise." Drew agreed.

"She also said that you already had my heart." May blushed a crimson color.

" that true?" Drew stepped forward.

May gulped and admitted "Yes, it's true."

Without warning, Drew took a final step forward, and kissed her. At first, May was shocked, but when she realized what was happening she kissed him back. When they pulled apart, their foreheads rest against each other's.

"You have my heart too, and I'm glad to be lucky enough to have you as my future wife." Drew smiled.

"I'm glad too." May giggled.

Meanwhile, Serena had locked herself in her room. At first, she thought the idea of her and Clemont was completely unlikely. But the more she thought about, the more the idea seemed to make her smile. Clemont is a really sweet guy and has always been there for her. She exited her room, and peered around the door on both sides.

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