Chapter One: Back Home, and the Fellowship's Arrival

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"I wonder if he remembers."

"It is very likely. His memory is the best I've heard of."

"But not with fondness. "

"You did break his arm..."

"That was an accident, and it was for a good cause! They were holding the dwarves for no good reason! And apparently I was the only one who recognized that."

"Yes, well, you have a very different opinion of that matter than the king does, don't you?"


I trudged ahead, annoyed that Aragorn thought I needed protection on my way home from Imladris, and that he kept bringing up a subject that he knew I wanted to be left alone.

Once we arrived at the border of Lorien, I turned to him,

"Aragorn, you have to go make sure the hobbits get to Imladris, Vithrendir will lead them here. Greet Bilbo for me, and any dwarf of the company that arrives."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes! Now go!"

"Alright, don't get yourself killed on the way."

"You too."

I gave him a hug, and walked off into the forest.

Not long after I entered, I heard scouts tracking me. I stopped, held up my hands, and gave my pass words,

"It is I, Zhyraenzia, I was exiled from Mirkwood for helping twelve dwarves and a hobbit escape their so-called justice. The Lady of Lorien welcomed me into her domain."

"Good to have you back, Zhyraenzia." I heard Haldir say. "That was faster than last time."

"Last time, I was making you feel better about yourself." I turned to smirk at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Come on."

I walked with the guards all the way into the city, they left me just inside, to return to their duties. I was summoned soon after to meet with the Lord and Lady.

As I came into the room, I was surprised to see Cylarixiene there, she wasn't here unless Vithrendir had something extremely dangerous to do, and couldn't risk her getting hurt.

I knelt.

"Rise, Zhyraenzia, Cylarixiene has news of Mithrandir."

"He found the One. It is in the hands of a young hobbit, I won't name him now, but Mithrandir plans to stop here on the way, but right now he is asking Saruman for advice. He doesn't wish for the hobbit to bear this burden, but it is likely that he will choose to."

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