reboot: April Hale Learns About the Human Male

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This is long overdue. But I've done it. I'm rewriting EVERYTHING in this story. You can click my profile and get into the story that's called April Hale Learns About the Human Male. I'm writing chapter 6 as of now, so the updates should be pretty regular :) 

The Quirky Tale of April Hale is such a WEIRD story for me. It's weird because I like the idea. I like that it's so personal to me (I'm not in the autism spectrum but I was very close to a cousin with Asperger's -that's how it was called back then-). I like that it's funny and wholesome.

But I don't like the writing. It's juvenile. I wasn't very observant back there. There were lots of things that made me cringe.

But it's also my most loved story. And I know why people love it. I love it. I love it so much that I really really want to go back and fix it. To go back and make more of it. To keep writing more about Ryder and April and keep going on and on and on.

Unfortunately, the old version of The Quirky Tale of April Hale was... something that I couldn't connect to anymore. My main problem, which I think I've stated before, was Ryder Black. He's like a blank canvas of a character. I don't like writing about him, I don't like that he exists solely for April and that he's such a shallow character. It's quite sad because at first, I based Ryder mostly on me (OF COURSE NOT PHYSICALLY LOL).

But I still want to do right by the story that puts me on the map. The Quirky Tale of April Hale was what made me get recognized on wattpad, which in turn, made me got hired in some very cool places right after I finished college. The Quirky Tale of April Hale made me got some writing deals, and it's the reason why I can write for a living now.

So now I'm rewriting the whole thing. But don't you fucking worry, it's not gonna be one of those rewrites where I'll just change a few sentences and be done with it.

It's a comprehensive rewrite. That means some characters will change. (Especially Ryder). That means there will be new scenes. A lot of them will be new scenes. The characters's ages are different. The way they meet each other will be different. Alex and Bella and Summer (!!!) will appear MUCH SOONER and that's one of the most exciting thing that I've put into the outline.

When you read April Hale Learns About the Human Male, you're going to read something new and something nostalgic (if you've read the first version) at the same time. So, I implore you. Give this story a chance, and I hope you get to love it as much as you loved the old April and Ryder (who, right now, are probably doing a cuddling-and-watching-tv combo.)

Anyway, let's go to my profile and check the rebooted story out! I hope to meet you guys there, too :) 

The Quirky Tale of April Hale (Quirky Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now