Prologue 2

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In my old life, I used to have a family with me for 9 years of my life

My mother was a nice mother who would work all day and be gone at night even though she works in the day time.

She would always leave when everyone was asleep and would come back early at 6 am, which was an hour before my dad would wake up.

"I wonder where she went..." I thought. My mother was nice to me whenever she did have time to be with me. She would usually take me out to eat at a fast-food restaurant with one of her "friends". Every time we would go out, she would first pick up her "friend" and let me pick out the fast-food restaurant to go to. Each time was a different "friend" she would pick up and we would then go eat. But whenever we would eat at the restaurant, she would make me wear headphones on and watch some kids show while she would speak to her "friend".

My father was always home with me though whenever my mom wasn't home.

My parents would take turns of who would take care of me.

My father would get mad at every little thing that I did wrong or if I talked about mom. My father was kind at some points, for example, buying me new toys to play with or go out to play with my friends. 


If I did something wrong or talked about mom by accident, he would lock me up in the closet until he felt it was okay to let me out. I would be inside for a good 3-5 hours in depending what kind of wrongdoing I did. But, sometimes he would forget about me and would make me stay there for maybe a day or a few.

If I wanted to see mom, closet.

If I dropped a plastic bottle on the floor, closet.

If I wanted something else to eat, closet

If I ate my mom's food she made me, closet.

If he could hear my music, just a little bit, closet. 


At some point, I packed small things like food or my iPod in my clothes and would wait to be dragged back inside.

The closet was small and that had nothing but a small bed for me to sleep in. 

It was dark and quiet inside. There was no light switch inside but outside of the closet. My father would usually turn it off and push me in there then locks it up. Every time I went inside, I would think of what I did wrong this time since he would never tell me but drag me in there. 

I always asked what I did wrong but he would never answer me.

So, every time I was inside the closet, I would watch the Cinderella cartoon Disney version, which I downloaded on my iPod while eating small snacks that I sneaked in my clothes.


I always did my best to make my parents happy though. I was always happy when they would have a smile on their face when they see me be obedient, be respectful, have good grades while being quiet.

Usually, people think it's horrible but it's pretty comfortable inside; it's quiet, a bit cool yet warm and you get to have free time in there. You can do whatever your imagination can take you inside without disturbance, and yes I think it would be fun if someone else was there but I try to not feel the loneliness and look at the bright side of it. 


There were times I got jealous of my friends. They had their parents, together, happy and giggly. They were able to maybe spill juice by accident and wouldn't be thrown to some closet. 

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