Double Line

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a/n: please be patient with the story. don't worry as the story is about to end very very soon.
Thank you to my favorite person in Wattpad HeatherHolland356 for keeping me sane. Love you!



I was waiting for my breakfast to be served at the porch. Hoping Jin will serve it to me again. I miss him.

I suddenly think about his question about my love for him. I was asking myself too. I never really thought of loving from afar can happen to me. Sleepless nights and unfinished works because I kept on thinking about him. That was very childish. I'm 27. How possible is that and he is just 20. Funny.

I remember watching him from afar doing his stuffs. Studying his lessons on the garden, watering the plants and helping our driver clean the cars. Hae knew my growing admiration for Jin as she constantly boasting how good Jin is in the kitchen. I heard he's the one preparing my post work out meals. Something that made me swoon over for him more. Before, I only get an ordinary breakfast but ever since he came, I started having healthier post work out meals. I also learned that he's the one taking care of my suits making sure they were all clean and tidy. He knew me well. What i want for my pancake or for my coffee. Something our maids doesn't care of knowing. Auntie Soomi must have taught him well.

Those are the simple things that Jimin cannot do or has no interest in doing for me. Then, I started to evaluate and doubt my relationship with Jimin but I still keep my calm as I wanted to stay faithful.

But when I got the chance to looked at him closer, he is ethereal. His beauty just caught me off guard. It drives me out of sanity. I started to become possessive. I got jealous when I learned he's going out with a guy in school. I don't want him near anyone who can take him away from me. And right there, I knew my feelings is really something else. Not just a simple admiration as what I have thought.

"Sir goodmorning. I have a good news for you." Hae winked at me while placing the food tray on the table.

"What's that?" I curiously asked.

"Jin is in the kitchen. Ms. Soomi is still out for grocery."

I smiled. Of course, Hae knew. I stood up. Time for me to have some talk with my Seokjin.

I went in the kitchen and found him sitting, his back from me and playing with his phone.

"Goodmorning." I greeted as I took a seat beside him. He was about to stand up but i hold on to his wrist, "Please don't go. I have something to say. You don't need to say anything, just listen."

He stared at me, "Please make it fast."

I held his hand and I was surprised that he did not shove my hand away. "Jin I'm so sorry about what happened. I'm sorry if i forced you into this. I don't mean to harm you or to cause you emotional pain. I'm so sorry. I don't regret what happened. What I regret was the fact that i made you feel what you are feeling right now. Guilt, anger, shame, it's all my fault. I caused that, I'm sorry."

"If you want to date Namjoon, just go on. It's okay. i'm sorry if I scare you about cancelling your date with him. I was too possessive. But I realized who am I to block you for being happy? You're not mine. But Jin, i love you. Believe it or not. I love you because I love you. I believe there should be no reason to love someone from afar. I genuinely admire you. I admire you for being you. I feel so attracted even to the simplest thing that you do. And I am not expecting my love for you to be reciprocated."

"I'm not saying this because i want something in return. I don't have self doubt, no underlying motive, i'm not playing with your feelings. I appreciate that someone like you exists. You are an amazing person Jin. Please don't let a single mistake ruined how amazing and precious you are."

"I'm breaking it up with Jimin. I will straight it up and fix myself. And by the time that it's over, I wish you're still here for me. Please be okay." I stood up and kissed his forehead. It's hard for me to turn my back away but he is teary eyed and i don't want to see him that way.


I was astounded by what he said. He seemed to be very sincere. His words were very comforting. It truly made me admire him even more.

I stood up as i need to get ready for school. But I suddenly felt dizzy. My stomach started to lurched and I felt so nauseous.

"Hey Jin! What's wrong? Are you okay? You're pale." Hae said while rubbing my back.

"I... I w-want to..." I rushed to the sink as I throw up everything I ate and drank for breakfast. My sweat trickled  on my forehead, as it took my strength away. Hae kept on patting my back as I finally gain the strength to go back to my seat.

"Are you okay?" Hae gave me a tissue and a glass of water.

I looked at her. I know we are currently thinking the same thing. She hold my hand and she whispered. "Is this the first time you vomit Jin?"

I shook my head, "It's been going on for a couple of days now Hae. Every morning."

"Oh gosh! You should buy yourself a kit. You need to test yourself."

"I already have. I already suspect it. But i'm too scared to know." Hae pulled me up as we head in to our quarters. She locked the door and taught me how to use the kit.

I locked myself inside the bathroom as i waited for the result. I already know what it would be but i'm still hoping for a single line. After three gruelling minutes that seemed to take on forever, the news is out. I was dumbfounded.

I went out of the bathroom with the kit in my hand. "What?" Hae asked. I gave the kit to her. She looked at me after she saw the result. "What are you going to do now Jin?" as she handed the kit back to me.

I shook my head. "I don't know." as i stared at the two red lines.

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