Chapter 9

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Warnings: OOC-ness, lots of head canons,intense favouritism, google translate, human names, drama, grammar mistakes

Characters: Germany, Netherlands, Prussia, Sealand, England, Finland, Belgium, China, Japan, America, WY, Australia

Info: ----------

Note: Hey guys, if there's anything wrong with the spelling or grammar or whatnot, please tell me!


Chapter 9

- So, who has the book? - Germany asked looking around the room for it.  After a short while of looking he found the book in front of Netherlands, who seemed to be flipping the pages back to the last one they read. Without responding to Germany's question, Netherlands asked in a way that didn't really seem like a question:

- May I start reading? - A murmurs of approval sounded across the room. - This one appears to be Prussia's. Dear Awesome Journal of mine. Today is the day before the start of the world meeting. West is being wayyy to unawsome-ly strict. He keeps checking everyone and everything that enters! I attempted to sneak then in while he took a small lunch break, but no. He was eating his lunch in the hallway! How will I ever get them in if West keeps watching the entrance?! And it's not like anyone could fit through the window, right.. WAIT. Sea should be small enough to fit! And most of his friends are too! Well.. except Molossia and Saborga.. Maybe they can somehow sneak through some other way. Update note: Saborga managed to somehow sneak in by dressing as Italy... I really don't know how that worked.. But it did. Molossia kinda gave up and went to spend the night at the hotel, while Hutt River and Kugelmugel never arrived. For this meeting the ones who made it in are Saborga, Sealand, Ladonia and WY. - Gilbert/Prussia

As Netherlands finished reading a thump was heard across the room. The noise was created by Prussia who slammed his head into the table.

- Are.. you kidding.. me?! You helped that brat sneak in?! - England yelled clearly pissed.

-... Hey! I'm not a BRAT! You 're just a jerk! - Sealand yelled once he crawled out from under the table.

- You where under the table the WHOLE tim--

Before England could finish, a dangerous aura filled the room.

- Peter..? As much as I am happy to see you.. - Finland started speaking. - I really do hope you left someone there to care for Hanatamago?

Sealand suddenly seemed to lose all the courage he had while fighting with England.

- Well.. uh, you see... She's a smart dog! She can take care of herself! - Finland took a deep breath and seemed to calm down.

- But why did you come here, can't you play with all your friends at home?

- But I want to be treated like a real nation!

- But you aren't one! - England shouted back.

As the two started another argument, on a different side of the room two personifications where conversing.

- So, were ya all down there? -  Australia asked WY.

- Nah, just me and Sealand. We take turns cause we need to enter the meetings early in the morning and leave late in the night. - WY provided an answer.

- Isn't it scary or boring?

- Normally it's just boring.. but this morning when me and Sea where getting ready to enter the room we heard someone inside it, well it sounded like a guy and he seemed to be looking for something in the book. He left soon after we saw him.

- Huh..

As everyone started talking to each other across the room, Netherlands - not caring at all - started reading the next entry.

- Dear Journal, I truly miss them, my little siblings ..

- Brother..? What are you doing..? - Belgium asked with an awkward smile.

- Reading, as I was asked to do. I used to think that I would feel more relaxed, not having to dote on they're every move, but-

- But brother, no one is listening... - Netherlands turned to his sister and with a bored expression said:

- I know. - He turned back to the book. - I feel lonely without them. Yes, I wanted them to be a little more mature.. But not leave me completely, or... in Kiku's case.. hate me....

Belgium panicked a bit, so she quickly snatched the book and yelled*:

- I shall read next! Is that alright?

Some nations noticing that the next chapter was going to be read quieted down, slowly others who noticed the silence went silent as well.

- Okay! this one is Chinas..Dear Journal, I truly miss them, my little siblings .. I used to think that I would feel more relaxed, not having to dote on they're every move, but I feel lonely without them. Yes, I wanted them to be a little more mature.. But not leave me completely, or... in Kiku's case.. hate me.... Right now, I wish for nothing more than to go back in time.. maybe be nicer.. a little more leisurely , It truly doesn't matter. I just know I would do something differently. -China/Yao

China looked down onto the table sadly. The atmosphere surrounding the Asian siblings became uncomfortable.

Surprisingly the first person to break the silence was Japan.

- I don't hate you, Yao. I might feel uncomfortable around you.. but I don't hate you. But.. I guess I can work on that since we're roomates..

Yao gave a warm smile and nodded. A calmness spread across the room and no one wanted to break it..

Well.. until America broke it.

- Uhh... are we just gonna sit here quietly as if we we're mourning someone?

And on that note, the rest of the meeting continued.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

*said delicately with a semi loud voice


Note: Heyyyyy.. so anyone have discord or any discord servers? Cause I'm feeling extremely lonely..

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