get wrecked

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As Wally's Hallmark movie was rolling the credits Bart stood up and turned to face the group. "Alright, its getting pretty late. I think we should head to bed now."

"Cool cool cool cool. One thing, where are we going to sleep?" Stephanie asked, shoveling in the last waffle as she nodded at the rest of the Bats. "I mean we don't have rooms here like the rest of you."

"'Wing, Batgirl and I do." Tim shrugged with a smug smirk, yelping when Jason smacked him on the back of the head. "Dibs on not rooming with Hood!"

Damnit, beat me to it!

Sucks to suck, Jaime.

"I don't mind sharing my room with Stephanie. She's awesome." Cassie smiled at the other blonde, high fiving her when she went to stand next to her. "Why doesn't Robin just room with Red Ro-"

"No!" All the Bats yelled, hissed, and screamed in unison, startling the team.

"Oh-kay, why not?" M'gann asked carefully, noting how Tim's eye twitched slightly under his mask.

"Because he is an unworthy, entitled-"

Tim cut Damian's rant very short with a snort. "I'm the entitled one? Yeah, okay."

"I will never understand how father allowed you to be apart of this team."

"I will never understand how B hasn't had you euthanized yet."

"Alright! We get it, you two hate each other." Artemis groaned. "So, that takes of that. Robin will sleep in Nightwing's room and Cassandra will sleep in Batgirl's. Now where are we putting Red Hood?"

"He can share with me." Everyone turned to Conner in shock as he walked up to Jason with a stoic expression.

"I'd rather spend the night in my coffin than share with any of you." Jason deadpanned, glaring at Dick when his brother flicked his nose.

"What did we tell you about making those jokes?"

"That they are hilarious and I'm a master of comedy?" The antihero drawled, snickering when Dick missed him with another flick. "But really, I'm not rooming with Supes Jr."

"Yes, you are. He is the only one that is available that could out strength you." Batgirl glared at Jason until he let out the world's longest groan before muttering a 'whatever'.

Sometimes I forget he is a cold blooded killer.

In that split second before you remember, that's when he's gonna stab you.

Guys, Hood's really not that bad. You all liked him as Robin, why is Hood any different?

Uh, because he is a cold blooded killer?!

Seriously, what happened to him to turn him into...this?

He died and was resurrected by Talia Al Ghul, need I say more?

No wonder him and Robin are so alike.

Don't let them hear you say that, they'll skin you alive.

And enjoy it.


M'gann shook the vision of Robin and Red Hood smiling manically with daggers in their hands out of her head before she began talking. "Okay, so its settled. Red Hood with Conner, Cassandra with Batgirl, Robin and Nightwing, Cassie and Steph, and Red Robin in his room. Any questions? Good. Let's go to bed."

12:09 AM

Conner and Jason

Jason couldn't stop tossing and turning on the floor, the same old nightmare playing on loop just like every other night.

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