My middle finger salutes you

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I know what you're thinking right now. That I'm a dumbass. A gullible who has easily been tripped into the devil's trap. Then you're right. I'm a dumbass who easily believed that sexy devil's promise about him wouldn't play dirty with me.

At first he casually started with Ryder— 'how we ended up dating?' And other fewer questions about me like what's my favourite colour and all. I asked him few questions too that he had genuinely answered. But after a certain time his questions turned more personal. Very personal, tbh. I wanted to quit the bloody game. I wanted to punch him in his handsome face but I couldn't. Because I was turned on by his dirty talks. If I'd crossed the table and closed the distance between us, then I would've been giving him a lap dance right now.

"How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance?" He questioned, running his tongue on the lower lip.

"Do you really think I'd have to go that far When I know how badly my boss wants to take me to his bed?"

"Predictable." He nodded pensively. "Your turn."

Hmm...What question should I throw upon that bitch?

"Do you have STDs?" I asked before I could stop myself. Since he had been in relationship with random women that was the only question I could've asked.

His mouth lifted up in a waggish smile, "If you want us to get banged tonight, all you have to do is ask."

My cheeks flashed red.

He shrugged, "Yeah. Hard core and rough sex." I swallowed and clenched my thighs together. Keep a hold on yourself. "But since you're a virgin I'd take good care of you."

"Keep your another eye in your pants Sir, if you really want to get an exciting boner next morning." I said with a tight smile. My hands clutching the material of my jeans.

"Are you going to entertain me with a strip dance?" He amused.

"In your dreams!"

"Sweetheart, You've no idea about my dreams. They involve both you and me...naked." He teased, "You know what positions I fantasise about us?"

"Stop! I don't want to hear your dream porn about us. Asshole." I mumbled the last part.

"Don't be so shy. We'd fuck eventually." I felt like I was in oven. I was turned on so badly. I was just wanted to go in my bedroom and used the vibrator that I'd bought after the night I'd my first orgasm. "Plus, don't forget that I gave you your first orgasm."

I slammed my hands on the table and got up, "Go fuck thyself!" I snapped. Damn my hormones! He had been pulling my leg. And the worst part was I let him. "I'm gonna hit the sack."

"W-What's wrong?" His brows knitted together. All the naughtiness was gone. "I'm sorry if you didn't like—" It didn't take long to return the devilish expression on his pretty face as he eyed me from head to toe and a naughty smirk found its way on his lips. "Ooh,  you're bloody turned on!"

I gasped. My face turned scarlet. "I-I'm not." I protested even though he was right. "If you think I could get turned on by your senseless talk," I raised the most famous finger in a saluting manner. "then my middle finger salutes you."

"Baby doll, you need some rock and roll!" Snickering in a creepy way that I'd found so arousing, he rubbed his palms together and pounced towards me. In response I jumped and ran towards my room. His speed was slower than me, or perhaps he just didn't want to catch me.

I heard him laughing behind me as I locked the door and leaned against it. My heart was pounding so loudly against my chest. I heaved a sigh of relief as I heard him say 'good night, Bombshell'.

I changed into my PJ's and went to sleep.


"You never speak to me about this aunt of yours." I said while smoothing my yellow sundress as he informed me that we're going to meet his aunt and her daughter.

"Never found it important." He gave a light shrug while his gaze was fixed on the road.

I nodded in approval. Two years I'd been working for him and it never occurred to me he had a family, aside from that corrupt uncle of his. But these two had never been close to each other. I always wondered why?

Leonardo always hated Roberto Vincenzo's guts. Whenever he had seen him in meetings it never escaped from my eyes the way his jaw clenched. Leo practically turned into a grim reaper as if he was about to suck his own uncle's soul. It was when I'd joined the company and after two months Roberto Vincenzo had been sent to prison for his wrongdoing. Every time I wondered about his family, what had been happened to them when Roberto accused guilty. But then Eva filled me that he was divorced.

I wondered if this aunt of Leo was the wife of Roberto. If it's true then how Leo and his aunt had good relationship.

After fifteen minutes ride we reached in front of a beautiful mansion. Before Leo could open the door for me I opened it and hopped out of the car.

I felt his hand at my back as he ushered me to the main door. I instantly felt comfortable against his touch.

On the doorway, stood a mid-aged beautiful woman with jade green eyes and honey brown hair. A bright smile found its way on her lips as she saw us.

"Look at you. You're so big now." She exclaimed embracing Leo in a warm hug. Her eyes shimmering with tears.

I choked on my own saliva.

Uh-huh. He's very big.

"Always a drama queen." Leo rolled his eyes. "I haven't visited you for six months it doesn't mean you'd act like a granny whose grandchildren have just come to visit her in summer."

She puckered her lips before her gaze fell on me. "Who's this beautiful woman?" She beamed.

Her accent was so sexy. So italian.

"Jane. Jane Sanders." I held my arm to shake which she readily accepted. "Leo's personal assistant." Yes. Very personal.

"Nice to meet you, Jane." She smiled, "I'm Alessia Vincenzo. His aunt."

"Where is he? Where's the bastard?" A high pitched voice came from behind Alessia.

Leo stiffened behind me.

Alessia stepped aside giving the way to a beautiful girl with same features as her. With no doubt I could say she was Alessia's daughter.

Leo shifted himself behind me as if he wanted to use me as his shield. However, I didn't think it would be possible when the girl in front of me was more than furious. It seemed like she just wanted to get her hands on her prey and pare off its skin with no hurry.


Kisses For A Devil Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon