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Everything went quiet.

Hyun Ae froze on her spot, while Namjoon was clearly showing Henry how surprised he was as the other guy stated that.

In that silent moment, she glanced at the shopping bag that Henry had been holding and saw a carrot. Quickly, she grabbed it and began to swing it towards the back of Henry's head.

"You fool! I never got married to you," Hyun Ae snorted, as she hit his head once again, this time she laughed. Henry covered his head while whining in pain as she kept on swinging the carrot at him.

"He's lying. Sorry about that. We never got married," she explained to Namjoon, but she couldn't hold back her laughter.

"But we were a couple before! A sweet loving couple! Ah, stop it!" Henry added, hand still covering the back of his head.

"Huh?" Namjoon said, his eyes darting between the two people in confusion.

"Eish! Don't bring that up again!" Hyun Ae grunted, slapping Henry's shoulder repeatedly before she turned to Namjoon and bowed her head down. "I-I-I'm sorry, we have to go."

Though it was a bit chaotic situation and Namjoon was a bit slow in processing everything, he noticed something odd about her. So he grabbed her hand and asked, "are you crying-"

"No!" she immediately cut off, suddenly sniffing. She touched her cheek, and indeed there were trails of her tears. Quickly, she wiped it away. "No. Whatever. I'm going now. Bye."

With that, Hyun Ae grabbed Henry's arm and they began to walk away, leaving confused Namjoon behind. But then she stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. "By the way..." She looked at him and said, "think back. Why did I lie to her?"

"What?" Namjoon asked, his brows furrowed.

"You were in my home with the rest of the BTS when I told her that you were in Ttukseom. Why... did I lie to her?"

Hyun Ae smiled and gave him one last bow before finally leaving the place along with Henry behind her.

Namjoon was flustered, watching both of them disappear by the corner of the road, then he let out a sigh. "Ah..." He facepalmed, then ran his fingers through his hair in frustration then punched the wall where frightened Hyun Ae was leaning on earlier. "Because you wanted to avoid me from seeing her. But why, Hyun Ae?"


"Ya, that joke was too much! Saying that we were married?!" Hyun Ae gushed as she entered the kitchen with Henry.

"Well, you saw his face when he heard that! Serves him right!" Henry chortled, placing the shopping bag onto the prep table with a winning smile, feeling satisfied with himself.

"Poor him! Though he looked like that, he has an innocent soul!"

"But seriously..." Suddenly he grabbed her arm, and his other hand began to caress her cheek lightly. "He must've scared you earlier. I knew, just by the look in your eyes."

His thumb stopped by the corner of her eye as he stared into it.

"One more word from him, and you'll cry."

"But I already did," she chuckled, looking down at her hand, which was still grabbing the half-destroyed carrot.

"Because you had lost control of it due to my joke," he chuckled, pinching her nose softly. She scrunched it up as she let out a soft laugh.

Hyun Ae took in a deep breath and then let it out as she met his eyes again. "Anyway, thank goodness you came."


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