Madeleine Mcann Case

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So erm I'm making a few crime cases because why tf not lmao. Idk how many I will make but make sure too suggest some in comments.

On the evening of May 3rd 2007, 3 year old Madeleine Mcann disappeared from her bed while on vacation with her family in Portugal.

Loc authorities immediately launched an investigation following extensive leads.

Including, an inquiry into madeleines parents, Kate Mcann and Jerry Mcann.

Despite all the leads, there have been no arrests. In these exclusive interviews we will hear from 2 men who've tried to answer some of the questions surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine Mcann.

Can new cutting edge technology help crack the case?

May 3rd 2007.

Maddeline has been abducted from her bedroom and has not been seen since. At the time of the abduction her parents are dining with their friends at a restaurant just 60 yards away.

They don't realise maddeline is missing until Kate checks on her at 10 pm.

Local authorities start an investigation, but the Mcanns worry that the police in the area lack the resources to quickly find Madeleine.

Over 1 month goes by. The Mcanns turn to unconventional methods to help find their daughter.

One of the first people Jerry McCann reaches out too is Danie Krugel. A retired South African police officer, known for his ability to find missing persons.

"Well I went on their request They asked me to come and assist. When madeleine disappeared, Jerry called me one night. He called me and said,  "I heard about you" and can I help? So I said of course I tried my best to help"

Krugel is making news with what he claims is a cutting edge device a matter orientation system. Krugel claims his device, uses an object such as makeup to detect similar or identical objects in the area.

2007 African news broadcast:

"A person dissappears. You find a few strands of hair left on a brush. You put those hairs into a gadget and that points out on a map, where in the world that person may be."

(in my opinion this 'gadget' will take years to make and if Madeleine is dead, which she probably is, this machine won't find her body)

Krugel claims his device uses a process called quantum detection to find anyone in the world.

"once he has done the test with a hair sample, Krugel is able to geographicly pin point an area by applying coordinates from more than one vantage point."

As outlandish as this sounds krugal has seemingly had results finding missing people.

He has had a lot of success.

"we took a few of the camera man's hairs and sent him somewhere, and within minutes Krugel was able to point out where the camera man was. Many of the people he has done this with were found alive."

Six weeks after she dissappears Krugel arrives in Portugal. Using the hairs taken from madeleines hair brush Krugel attempts to find her.

"we were at the signals we repeated the signals, the signals showed madeleines where abouts. She was somewhere in (idk how to spell it but it sounds like bangloosh)"

She was in a 1km radius from around the hotel. Or so the pin point said. He is unable to narrow her location down any further. Over the course of several days, Krugel reading shows that madeleines signal is not moving.

"Why would someone keep her there for so long after she disappeared. Because of my background and what I've done with the technology but also my work in the police just seems to me it doesn't add up. We all hope and pray that she's alive"

Krugel turns his findings over to the local police.

"I speak to the police and I gave my map to them."

Krugel also urges them to bring in cadaver dogs (sniffer dogs)

"when the dogs arrived a while later it was about 6 weeks after"

When the dogs detect traces of her blood in the parents car, the police investigate her parents.

"I think everything changed" says Krugel.

Yeah I'm leaving it there

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