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A/n: not edited

Chapter 32 – Chris POV

After one very long game of blinking because Kayla she blinked and I asked this one more than we actually matched cards, she fell asleep waking up like the others on their own. Even though they needed sleep, badly, they’d wake up accustomed to Seths’ manipulation.

I know it would be bad, but it felt as though things were only getting much worse.

The door sliding, Nancy brought in bowls of oatmeal for all the children, plus milk cups and once again they waited for her to leave, before they attempted to eat.

This time Kayla lifted her spoon herself, eating much faster than when Bailey fed them both, “slow down sweets,” I said softly not wanting to startle her, but knowing that if she ate so fast, it wouldn’t be good she’d only get sick. When she didn’t look up or listen, and continued eating hurriedly, I just hoped to myself that she wouldn’t get sick, that maybe this was the speed in which she always ate. Rushing, because Seth was a sick bastard that probably took food away, I actually wished I was right, the alternative I found was worse.

After hungrily swallowing the cup of milk, Kayla’s face seemed to pale, green and she bit her lip hard, blood pooled near her teeth, running because I knew what was happening, I grabbed an on the large side kidney dish, placed it right near her mouth so she could wretch. Apologetically she glanced at her brothers, but I could not figure out why, as she bent throwing up, all the other children began crying, their monitors beeping crazily, concentrating on Kayla, I didn’t get it.

What could cause this reaction, all at once, ‘don’t want to eat it momma,’ Keith cried, Michael and Bailey shaking, crying silently. Watching me, panting, “Its okay sweets,” I tried to comfort Kayla who was dry heaving, crying. As I put the dish away Nancy came in running, “I need to sedate them Chris,” I only nodded, none of this was good for any of them. Right after Kayla, Nancy turned to walk to Rainy, who was stepping back, shaking her head back and forth, staring at the kidney dish in my hand, her lips moving but no sounds were coming out.

“Throw that away!” Nancy shouted, catching my attention, doing as she instructed, when I turned Rainy was crying, her body relaxed but I knew it was the sedative.

“Lie back now,” Nancy instructed, fixing Rainy underneath the sheet, comforting her, “He threw it away Rain, he threw it away,” she cooed until Rainy’s eyes closed, her face scrunched up, pained.

Swallowing, eyes wide, brimming with tears, Nancy faced me, “Pl – please tell me I’m wrong in what I’m thinking?” my voice hoarse, her shape now blurry.

Not even answering she moved her eyes to the ground, shook her head and walked past me while I nearly shifted in fury of what the fuck just happened. I could understand Kayla being upset, throwing up and thinking she may be punished for that. I mean I could see Seth doing that, beating her because he starved her, and she threw up for eating too much, or too fast. But the apologetic way she gazed at her brothers, the way all the others became hysteric, Keith’s words, ‘don’t wanna eat it momma.’




Rage consumed me as I stalked out of the room, down the corridor, leaping downwards, wrenching the doors open at an exit and rushing on the grass to the surrounding woods, shifting before even entering the forest, howling angrily. Frenzy… rage like fire burning inside of me at the thought of what that crazy bastard did to my children. I wasn’t expecting the slam from the side, that knocked me off my feet, but before I could attack, the wolf to my side shifted into his human self.

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