Chapter 12 - Aria

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I would say I sleep a lot less than the average person just because of how often I have nightmares. Rarely do I find myself waking up without prior memory of a bad dream that startles me out of sleep sooner than it should. It takes forever to shut my brain off and once I do, it usually doesn't last long. I'm up when the birds are chirping and singing their morning tune and that hasn't changed once in the past decade.

Until now.

This time when my eyes crack open, I can immediately tell I've overslept. My body and mind feel much more relaxed than they usually do and the sun that shines through my glass doors is bright and hot — afternoon sun. A decent guess would be that it's close to noon by now and that alone opens my eyes the remaining way in alarm. When's the last time I ever slept past seven in the morning, maybe nine if I'm lucky? What's different about this morning?

My answer comes a moment later when I hear a deep groan that doesn't belong to me. Then I feel something hard and long nudge me between my legs and that definitely doesn't belong to me. Oh, shit.

In my confusion, I somehow failed to realize that I have a very large and very heavy man sprawled on top of me and clutching on to me like I'm his personal plush toy. Asher's face is shoved into my neck and his arms are wrapped tightly around my waist. Our legs are tangled together and I stare up at the ceiling as I lay on my back and wonder how this happened.

Stupid Asher.

I knew this sleepover wouldn't be innocent. The more time we spend together the more I realize that the sparks between us will make it impossible for us to be platonic. Maybe once upon a time we were strictly friends but that's changed. Asher and I have changed too and rekindling after all these years has made one thing all too clear: things can't go back to the way they were no matter how much we want it to. We've grown up and the friendship we once had no longer works like it used to. Our chemistry has taken a complete one-eighty and there's no going back, no matter how hard we're trying to fool ourselves. But does this mean the end of what we have or the beginning of something new entirely? Yeah, we have our moments where we flirt and steal touches but this doesn't seem to be going into relationship territory by any means. We're just circling each other and ignoring what's between us. I don't even know what exactly is between us. Is it lust or more?

Damn it. This is so fucking confusing and I kind of hate Asher for stealing my heart and not giving it back. I feel lost without it and now that it's in his hands I have no idea what he's going to do with it. What I do know is that I need my space from him. Literally.

I try to push him off but it's no use. Asher is bulky as hell and he doesn't budge an inch despite my efforts. If anything, he snuggles in even closer and I roll my eyes. Asher is one of the toughest and coldest men I know but sometimes he can be such a baby. I also see right through his bullshit.

"Get off, stupid." I smack his head. "I know you're awake."

"No, I'm not." He mumbles back. I fucking knew it.

"Asher." I scold. "I can't breathe."

"I'm stunning first thing in the morning, I know."

I snort into his hair that tickles my nose and try to pry his face out of my neck. Still no use.

"Ash." I groan.

I suck in a breath when I feel that length between my legs harden even more and cringe. Oh, wow. Maybe I shouldn't have said his name like that. It was practically a moan and no doubt I got his little junior excited, which in turn is making me excited. What the hell? This is too much.

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