End Game

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"Leave my friend alone," a small voice screamed before its owner crashed into the side of the witch. It was a clumsy attack. Young hands grasping a tree-branch they could barely hold as it battered against the cloaked creature. Arya was astonished to see Lisa's determined face behind the assult.

But it caught the witch by surprise, throwing her off balance.

The creature staggered, lost its footing and tripped over Arya's prone body. Pitching off the edge, the red witch stretched out its arms in a final desperate act of survival, grabbing the small attacker. Only instead of arresting the witch's fall, both tumbled off the edge.

Ignoring her pain, Arya threw herself far enough over the cliff edge to snatch hold of Lisa. There was a massive jolt against Arya's throbbing shoulder. Crying out in agony, she used every ounce of strength to hold on to her young friend. There was another screeching cry and the weight diminished. A final eruption of green fire scorched the side of the cliff before the witch smashed into the rocks. Moments later, the river dowsed the fire and swept away the broken body.

"I'm slipping," Lisa's voice was full of panic.

"Hold on, I've got you." Arya tried to sound more confident than she was. "Can you grab the edge?"

The whimpering young girl scrabbled at the cliff face, struggling to get a hold. Arya lacked the strength to pull the her up.

Lisa's hand slipped. She squealed in terror.

Arya gave it everything she had in last desperate effort.

Finally, as the last of her strength gave out, Arya saw Lisa scrambling onto the grass, her small hands grasping any tufts for purchase.

"Here lass, let me help you," another arm came into view. Arya looked up to see Myra help the shaking girl to her feet. Lisa threw herself into the older woman's arms and began sobbing.

Lying face first, Arya could just about turn her head to look at Myra.

"The others?" She didn't know what else to say. Arya daren't look back to see the carnage wrought by the remaining Lords and their men.

"They'll be fine," Myra winked. "Friends of yours came by."

Arya felt a presence standing over her. "You fucking laying down on the job while we save your fucking arse." It hurt to laugh, but it was all Arya could do.

"Some new kind of fashion you're wearing," the head of a colossal hammer was placed on the grass in her view. "Burnt wolf skin. Not sure it'll catch on."

"Fuck off Gendry, and help me up."

While her body still burned with pain, Gendry and the Hound hauled Arya onto her feet. She needed the Lord of Dragonstone to help her remain upright.

Arya looked down on the courtyard where the fighting had ended. The guards had surrendered their weapons, the Innkeeper seemingly calling the shots while Elsa directed some townsfolk to tend the wounded. "You came alone?"

"Don't need an army to squash a few fucking false Lords," The Hound spat. "While you were pissing about wrestling with an old woman, we had to clean up your mess."

"An old woman who shoots green fire," Arya protested, but she was so pleased to see them it was hard to be mad.

"I'll give you that," the Hound muttered.

"We got word heading to King's Landing," Gendry said. "Bran thought you might be doing something stupid."

"I had it under control," Arya muttered quietly.

"You were saved by a fucking child," Sandor roared with laughter as they started making their way to the central courtyard.

"When we arrived, we could hear the fighting," Gendry continued. "Once we charged into the guards, they took one look at us and threw down their weapons. I only had to crush one of them. I think they assumed there would be an army with us."

They passed the bonfires before reaching the steps and descending to where some of the townsfolk were gathered. Elsa hurried over. Gently hugging Arya where she could and announcing her concern at her wounds.

"Aye, we need to get them seen to," Myra said. Lisa moved next to Arya both helping and using it as a chance to hug a free arm.

"Thank you, Lisa," Arya bent down to speak to the young girl. "That was really brave."

"Not as brave as you," Lisa whispered. "You fought her fire. I wanted to help but didn't know to do. Then I saw you wanted to get her over the edge when she knocked you over. Thank you for not letting me go. I was really scared."

Arya gave her a squeeze. "Good job it wasn't one of these two oafs." She indicated to Gendry and Sandor. "They would have pulled me right over."

Lisa gave a small giggle.

"What shall we do with the prisoners?" The Innkeeper strode over from where he had been standing over the bedraggled guards kneeling with their hands on their head. Interspersed among them were the visiting Lords and some of those townsfolk who had supported Lord Flowers.

"Put them in the cells," Gendry commanded. The Innkeeper gave Arya a brief glance and seemed satisfied by her nod. "Send a raven to King Bran with word of who's been involved."

"We wanted no part of this," Lord James shouted from his knees. "We were forced into it. We demand to be freed."

Arya broke away from the others and hobbled over to Lord James. He had a hopeful look on his face until she delivered the most potent kick she could right into his balls. Despite her bare feet, it was still a powerful enough blow for the old man to collapse on the floor. The onlooking townsfolk laughed and taunted the stricken Lord.

"We didn't face the Night King and White Walkers just so scum like you could Lord it over the rest of the people." Arya spat at the other two Lords who were quivering on the floor. "We fought them so the people could be free of terror." She looked up at the Innkeeper who had a broad smile on his face. "Take them away."

The Lords and other prisoners were dragged away by feisty townsfolk who delighted in prodding them with some of the various implements they'd been using as weapons.

"So, is there anywhere we can get a drink?" The Hound muttered. "I mean proper ale, not the stuff lying around in this fucking shit hole of a keep."

The Innkeeper gave a cough. "I might be able to find something suitable for a man of your stature." He threw a little bow in with his gesture.

"Donkey's piss would be suitable for this goat," Gendry laughed before ducking out of the way of a fist the Hound aimed at his head.

"Well, we need to get Arya seen to before there can be any of that." Myra clucked, hovering around the small group. "But the Inn would be as good a place as any to deal with her wounds. Elsa, can you help? There are other things these other two louts can carry for me." Myra then stepped up to Lisa. "And as for you, my girl," she scooped up the child in her arms. "I can see you're nearly out on your feet."

Lisa didn't object to being carried, though Gendry grumbled at having to haul crates of fresh vegetables Myra had found in the Keep. She said they should be turned into a decent meal for decent people. As the group made its way to the Inn, there were murmurs of gratitude from the townsfolk and slaps on the back when they were close enough.

By the time they'd reached the Inn and laid Arya on a soft bed to tend to her wounds, she'd fallen into a deep sleep.

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