Chapter 17 - Taking Over the Manor

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Of course, after Feng Jiu got slapped and fled, no one stayed behind.

"What are you going to do, Little Miss? If Master finds out what you've done, you'll be punished for sure!" A Hua cried. She paced back in forth worrying herself to death. Kairi eyed the broken down building and the shambled courtyard. No matter what she does, she really needed money and professional help to fix it up. Of course the only way to get money was to get it through Madam Feng and there was no way that was happening. Thinking about Madam Feng, made her think about Feng Jiu and the hideous hand marks on her face. She stifled a laughter and then it hit her.

"Of course! Guilt tripping just might do the trick!" Kairi cried surprising A Hua that she nearly fell on her butt.

It wasn't long until another servant came running back saying that she had been summoned by General Feng. Kairi had been expecting it. She hadn't been talking to Zhang Sheng for an entire year and not learn any dirty tricks.

She walked into the main family room and found the entire family there along with the five servants who escorted Feng Jiu to Lotus Villa. Kairi walked in with her head lowered making sure no one saw her face.

"Xiao Er, your sister said that when she went to Lotus Villa, she was slapped by you without cause," General Feng said firmly. Kairi bowed respectfully but didn't look up at him.

"Father, Xiao Er won't lie to you. Second Sister did get slapped but it wasn't me, who slapped her. A Hua had done it because Second Sister brought over some servants to tease me," Kairi said meekly.

"If you aren't lying then why aren't you looking at me?" General Feng asked. Kairi bit back a grin and cleared her throat.

"I wouldn't lie to you, Father," she replied and made sure to hesitant before she answered him. She could feel a bit of irritation coming from General Feng but she still didn't look up. She was waiting for the right moment to give it a big impact.

"If you aren't lying then look up at me," he ordered. Kairi slowly lifted up her head to reveal a slight bruising on her cheek and a cut on her lip. A bit of blood trailed down from the corner of her mouth. Only a parent who had lost and reclaim a child after four years would only do anything to keep it from happening again, therefore, said parent would do anything to make up for lost time and the broken child; the broken child being her. In other words, guilt trip the father into doing anything she wants.

The moment General Feng saw the injury on her face, he rushed over within seconds. He gently placed an arm around her, examining her injury. Her plan was a success.

"What happened, Xiao Er? How did you get injured?" he asked worriedly.

"I... Second Sister, she..." Kairi trailed off as she casted accusing looks at the servants and Feng Jiu. The look in General Feng's face grew darker with each passing second as he connected the dots.

"Father!" Feng Jiu cried. "You believe her? She's lying. Look what she did to me! Why aren't you worried about me?"

"Silence!" General Feng shouted as he glared at Feng Jiu. "Which one of you hurt Xiao Er? Speak and I will lessen the punishment."

Kairi smirked at the servants and casted a shot off a threatening aura at them to keep their mouths shut. Not a single one spoke. When no one spoke General Feng turned to her.

"Xiao Er, tell Father. Who hurt you? I'll make them pay back tenfold," he said. Once again Kairi hesitated before she spoke.

"Se...Second Sister did it, Father," she said almost in a whisper. His eyes widen and his rage was so heavy, it could be felt to the bone. She quickly spoke up right away. "Father, I'm sure Second Sister didn't mean it. It was probably an accident..." she said trying to take the blame off of her.

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