Chapter Fifteen [Promises]

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I waited six days before returning to the Southside. I needed the time to gain control over my emotions, to put on the mask for the gang as if everything was fine. The city was blanketed in a light snow, creating a cold winter wonderland that mirrored the coldness in my heart. A thin layer of ice had replaced the hollowness, acting as a reminder of the heartbreak I had suffered. There wasn't a single day I didn't think about her. I dusted the snowflakes off my shoulder as I trudged through the snow to Cayden's apartment.

When I got to the fire escape, I grabbed its red, rusty handles and swung myself up onto the stairs. My teeth snapped together as I thought about seeing Cayden. I had plenty of time to think about the past two years, and the path he had set me on. Cayden was so consumed by the hatred James had instilled into his heart. He blamed chief Jackson for his suffering, but he was blind to reality. He had let the evil overtake his heart, and become a monster just like James. He didn't care that his actions had cost the lives of many innocent people, and he didn't care about my future either. He was trying to make me the next victim to the demon inside him, but I wasn't going to be apart of his game anymore.

I tilted my head as I looked at the white wooden door, placing my hand against it. The rough wood broke beneath my fingers, brittle and dry.

I hesitated. This was it.

I huffed out a small breath that formed a cloud in the cold air. Pushing the door, I stepped inside the same old apartment. The snow drifted from my clothes and melted as it hit the warm floor. With a gentle push, the door clicked shut behind me. The lieutenants were posted up as usual. The strong scent of drugs welcomed me.

A smile curled onto my face when I saw Holiday stretched out on the couch. His eyes were glued to the basketball game playing on the small television.

I stepped to the back of the couch and reached over Holiday's shoulder to take his hand. "What's up, bro? Who's playing?"

He glanced at me and smiled. "Aye, homie. I didn't know when we would see you again. It's Boston and New York," he replied as he curled his fingers with mine to signify our gang handshake.

My eyes flashed to the screen. "I just needed some time to myself, you feel?"

"Understandable. How did it go?"

I looked back to him and shook my head. It took a moment before I could force the words out. "It's over between us, man." My voice cracked.

Holiday turned his attention back to me. "Damn, Spence. I'm sorry to hear that. I know you were feeling her." He folded his arms across his chest.

I shrugged, but my chest was heavy. "I was more than feeling her, but it's fine. It's given me some time to think about things."

Silence fell between us. Holiday's attention locked back onto the screen. I stepped away from the couch and bumped into my least favorite person. "Rodney," I growled.

He shoved me back a few steps. "Watch it, bitch," he snarled.

My eyes landed on a new tattoo of a tear that had been printed beneath his eye. It signified another cop kill.

"You killed that innocent woman."

His dark eyes scanned me. "Innocent? She was a downlo 5-0, pretty boy. She threatened the Southside. You gotta teach the police force who's boss. A death of one of their own should do just that." He cracked his knuckles.

My eyes narrowed. "If you had followed orders, it wouldn't have been necessary."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Cayden gave me an opportunity to redeem myself, so I took it. You do what you have to do in this business. I figured you would know that by now." He had an evil smile on his face, like he knew something I didn't.

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