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Still Walyand's POV

"Yes that would be ideal but if the goddess doesn't agree she will not allow the both of you to bare kids until she is," August reminds.

That was one thing that Wayland knew was true, the goddess is sometimes a spiteful woman who is stubborn to the core. In the end, if you aren't doing right by her then it makes no sense to do it at all. 

"And we all know that she doesn't always favor our people," my father says and it was the truth.

Since the beginning of the rogue kingdom began she has been angry with our people. She didn't like the way the King then handled the situation, but she was happy with the fact that the princess chose her mate instead of being lead by her father's words. She was also pleased because the princess helped the rogues. 

"I understand and I'll wait to see. I don't know anything about Winter and I don't need to know all I need her for is to accept the rejection."

They both nodded their heads because they know that I am done talking about that. 

"Now we need to talk about these criminals that have been stealing from us the last couple of days. I don't like that they are able to get in so easy because it seems that there is a mole in the security team. I need you to check it out for me please August."

In the last couple of days, there have been people breaking into many of our wear houses and thinking many of our things. Like our machines and lab equipment. They also got their hands on some of our fields. Some of the documents had some very personal information about our warriors, but most of the ones they got are years old and the people on those files are either dead, old, retired. 

"I'm already on it and am checking everyone's alibi I'm just waiting for them to come through to cross them off."

"Ok, when you get more information come back and tell me everything I need."

They nodded and left me. My eyes wander to a picture of August, Taylor and I, we were smiling at the camera. August was making a goofy face making Taylor laugh and I was smiling down at Taylor. I couldn't help the smile that came to my face at the memory. 

We went to the fair and it was an amazing day, it was the first day that I got to kiss Taylor her lips were the sweetest honey that I've ever had softer than any rose petal. My eyes close thinking of her dark blonde curls and green eyes. I remember running my hand through it when I pull back her hair is no longer dark drown but black, her eyes no longer blue but a mix of hazel and green with hints blue. 

Winter, I imagine her smiling at me and I see that she had in her nosering that I saw on her the time at the river. She smiles up at me and stands on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek," Come to me and I'll make your dreams come through Wayland, but hurt me and you shall regret it." 

I know that Storm put those ideas in my head, he has been doing so the last couple of days. Sometimes when I kiss Taylor and open my eyes at first I see her and I hate that. Storm is trying to get the idea of kissing her is normal to me. 

I take a shot and make my way back to my amazing fiancee. I look at my angel and don't want anything to get between the two of us. I pull her on top my me and place her head on my chest. I get comfortable in bed and close my eyes. 

I open my eyes to see that I am underwater I look up to see light coming from the surface. I swim up and break through the surface I try catching my breath but it's hard to breathe no matter how many times I try. 

I move around the water to see if I find a place to swim to get out of the dark cold water. I try to feel for Storm but I can sense him no many times I call out his name, it's like no matter how many times I call him he isn't here with me.

Light catches my eyes and I swim towards it to see if I can find anyone. My feet touch the ground and I walk around looking for any signs of people but all I hear is silence and all I see it a forest that is covered in fog. Nothing having any other options I start walking in the forest hoping to find signs of life. 

After an hour of walking, I hear a faint whimper if the forest wasn't so quiet I wouldn't have caught the sound. I stop in my tracks and focus on where it is coming from. I start walking until the sound keeps getting stronger and stronger. 

One a rock in the middle of a clearing is a little girl and she is crying. She wears all white and her hair is to her back. She has her arms around her lips and is crying, 

"Hey, there why are you crying angel?"

"Because no one wants me. Not my father, brother nor my mate. They all leave me behind because they don't love me." she whispered her voice filled with so much sorrow. More sorrow than I've ever heard in my life on his earth. 

"They love you,"

"No, they don't. My father hates me, I see it when he looks me in the eyes. I promised my brother that I would come back all he had to do was wait, but he didn't he left me. My mate didn't even bother to wait for me, he found another and refuses to give me a chance."

"Then he is a fool for not waiting for someone as sweet as you."

She looked up at me and give me a sad smile while tears roll down her cheeks. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying but I knew those eyes they were her's they belonged to the Princess of Rogues, they belong to Winter.

" No, you aren't you are just like the rest always leaving me." 

I was going to say something but I turn when I hear my name being called. I turn to see my angel standing there smiling at me. 

"Wayland my love, what are you doing?"

"I'm just talking to the little girl," I answer

"What little girl?" she tilted her head showing me how confused that she was. I turn to point to the little girl in white but there was no one there. 

I wake up with a jump, I get angry that Storm would show a dream like that but he was as confused as I was with the dream. 

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