Chapter 3: I Suppose You'd Mate With An Omega

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''Yes Alpha?'' I stood to attention, pulling away from the comfort of the furs that engulfed the large bulge of rock in the centre of my room that I now called my new bed.

''Gather the wolves. It's time to leave.'' My father's deep voice commanded, letting slip the slight displeasure on his strong face that mirrored mine.

The Snow Ridge Pack wasn't known for being amazingly social with other packs. We did what we had to in order to survive on our own without other packs' interference. However, my father wanted to be civil with these wolves as they so graciously let our pack move here for the game, but we all knew why they had let us come so quickly, we weren't oblivious to their underlying request.

They needed a pack to help take care of their rising rogue problem. My father usually kept out of other pack problems but rogues were something he kept close to his heart because my mother, his mate, was killed by an unexpected attack from a rogue pack. It was a dark time for the whole pack but dad kept it together for the sake of the pack.

''Yes, Alpha.'' I nodded and he left.

I spent the next few minutes weaving through tunnels of hallways to rooms and to the main chamber that was at the opening of the cave which served as a living room/throne room of sorts to gather the dominant higher ranks, middle ranks and lower ranks for the full moon gathering.

Making my way over to my father who dwarfed the entire pack, I gave a curt nod to let him know the pack was together and he took his place above the gathering human forms onto a stage carved of stone where he gave a general overview of what a full moon gathering was for these packs, his deep-set dark chrome eyes scanning over everyone.

''These are very important events to the surrounding packs. You will do your best to be civil. We're very fortunate that Alphas Rick, David and Reid so graciously accepted our move here so be sure to respect these alphas and their packs. Am I understood?''

A chorus of 'yes, Alpha' filled the cave before he nodded and continued his speech where he explained the dynamics of each of the packs without divulging too much information. There was no need to share every detail of how each pack worked with everyone in our pack.

 After a few minutes of speaking generally about the night's expected occurrences, he went on to explain how there would be omegas at this gathering and the pack blatantly disregarded the fact that it was almost expected of them by the other packs to find a mate either it being an omega or a ranked wolf.

''I will not tolerate any degrading of the pack omegas. Keep your opinion to yourself. We can't afford to be in a disagreement with these packs. There's no going back for us.'' Dismissing the pack after gruff replies, he turned to me and pulled my shoulder close to him.

''Keep them in line when I can't. You know your responsibility.'' He patted my shoulder and led the group out of the cave, the wolves shifting after placing clothes in bags that they would have lower ranks carry.

Following the pack out, I started to remove my shirt under the moonlight's embrace. The light enveloped the whole pack with eerie warmth but it was a welcomed one, a welcomed source of light.

''I can't believe they want us to mingle with omegas.'' Dustin, a brown haired, broad shouldered middle-rank pain in the ass grumbled to his posy of dim-witted friends.

''And this is why you'll never be anything but a middle rank.'' I growled over to him, catching the attention of his group.

''I suppose you'd mate with an omega. Am I right, Tatum?'' He sneered.

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