When I Come Home - 13

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Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds or any of the characters. I only own my own OCs which include but aren't limited to, Morgan Reid, Jason Reid, Ryan Reid, Ella Reid, and Kitty Gomez-Reid. All GIFs, songs, videos, or characters from the show have their owners. All that belongs to me is my characters and my storyline, even the cases are made up from myself. All statistics or places I use are made up unless said otherwise in an author note at the ending of the chapter. If there are any mistakes, grammar or otherwise, please let me know.

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Wednesday, September 13, Reid Household

5:45 PM

Garcia sits at the kitchen island and watches as Morgan makes dinner for eight people. She makes it look effortless, so it must be something she does every day. 

Morgan turns to look at the bright blonde at the counter, "Dinner should be done soon, sorry."

"It's no problem I stopped by unannounced."

Morgan waves off the sheepish girl, "Nonsense, you're welcome any time. I imagine it must get lonely with the team gone so often."

Penelope brightens, finally someone who can understand her. Before she can reply she gets interrupted by the tiny pitter of feet against the ceramic tile. A tiny blonde bursts into the kitchen headed straight towards where her mother stands preparing food. 

"Mommy! Jason and Jack won't let me play with their monster trucks." Ella shrieks as she stops in front of her mom.

Morgan wipes her hands and kneels to her daughter's height, "Ella, honey, we talked about this Jason is not obligated to let you play with his trucks. Why don't you go play with your horses? Maybe you can ask Jack and Jason if they can play with you, but dinner is almost done."

Ella nods her head before skipping out of the kitchen, most likely in search of her brother and his friend. She leaves the kitchen without giving the woman sat at the counter a glance. 

"Okay," Morgan stands and makes her way to the cabinets, "Ella knows she isn't entitled to her sibling's things. She's broken too many of their things."

Morgan grabs the plates from the cabinet, eight of them, and sets to work setting the table. "Oh! Should I be helping out? I should, oh my god, what can I do to help?" Garcia exclaims she's embarrassed she hadn't offered her help before. 

Morgan snorts and shakes her head, "No no, I'm fine you don't need to be helping. I can manage, but thank you. There all set, I just need to grab the kids real quick."

She wanders out of the kitchen in search of the closest kid, who just so happens to be Kitty trying to go back upstairs. "Kitty dinners done, can you grab everyone else and wash up?" Kitty gives her aunt a nod before striding up the rest of the stairs.

"Okay, Kitty's grabbing them. Come, Garcia, sit; we can serve ourselves as the kids wash up, they'll be a minute."

Morgan is just sitting down as Penelope serves herself when the five kids wander in. They give Garcia a puzzled look before sitting down themselves, all except one. 

When I Come Home ➺ Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now