Chapter Three

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I drifted in and out of consciousness for I don't know how long

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I drifted in and out of consciousness for I don't know how long. Zack was usually right there beside me, always happy to take care of me. I honestly expected to wake up in the hospital, not that same brass framed bed.

It has been a dream, hadn't it? If not then I had been kidnapped. The more my thoughts spiraled the faster the ache in my head returned.

I stretched out on the bed and looked around the room. Zack wasn't next to me, the sound of running water told me he was probably in the shower. I looked at the window, it was caged with metal security bars. I swallowed the lump in my throat and there back the blankets. I had on a shirt that was too big and my underwear, nothing else.

I climbed out of bed and pressed my ear to the bathroom door. I could hear the water sloshing as he washed. I curiously turned the knob and opened the door. It must have made the air cooler because Zack pulled back the curtain and looked at me.

With his hair wet it was pushed back on his head revealing his soft eyes as he smiled at me. "Well? Are you getting in?"

He held out his hand and for some reason I was compelled to listen. I stepped forward and let him pull his shirt over my head then slide my underwear off. I took his hands and stepped into the tub in front of him.

The hot water hit my back and I pushed into his chest. Zack wrapped his arms around me, holding me close under the spray of the showerhead. He slowly helped me wash, taking extra care with my hair. I don't know why it felt so natural to let him, but it did.

After the shower he wrapped me in a towel and I sat on the foot of the bed while he dug through my clothes. Finally he handed me a small pile of clothes, he traced the edge of my face with the backs of his fingers. A knock on the door pulled him away from me and I started quickly getting dressed.

"What?" Zack snapped.

"Are you coming down? Mom's wondering," Malcolm called through the door.

"Tell her to set both our seats. Violet's feeling better today."

I heard Malcolm scurry down the stairs to share the news. Zack looked back at me and frowned. He stepped into the bathroom and came back out with a hairbrush. I sat between his legs while he brushed the knots out of my hair.

Once finished he kissed my temple, "Much better. Everyone will be so glad to see you."

Zack took my hand and helped me to my feet. He lead me down to the table and made sure I was comfortable before gathering us both some food. Dylan smiled when he looked up from his book, Hannah was ecstatic and practically bouncing in her seat. Jake and Megan smiled when they weren't discussing strictly big baby names. Malcolm grinned wide despite his missing front teeth.

They were happy to see me. I wasn't used to anyone caring. I felt my cheeks heat up and Zack placed his hand on my thigh under the table. I have him a small smile, he tucked some of my hair behind my ear.

"Are you feeling much better Violet?" Dylan asked shattering the moment I shared with just Zack. Dylan still worried me, something about him frightened me.

"Much better than I was before. Thank you," I said softly pushing my food on my plate and nervously taking a bite.

"Hopefully she will be well enough for the wedding soon," Zack pitched in and I looked at him in surprise.

"If we aren't dealing with Megan's delivery," Hannah commented and Megan shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

I smiled, "I don't mind waiting for the baby first. I haven't been on my feet very long yet."

Zack squeezed my leg and kissed my temple, "You'll be better soon enough. Eat, it's been helping."

I smiled at him and placed more food in my mouth contemplating the flavor of the meat. It was so familiar yet different. It tasted great with the potatoes and vegetables. Zack filled my plate again and I didn't complain. I was still hungry and grateful for seconds.

 I was still hungry and grateful for seconds

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