Chapter 17

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I woke up to the sound of Orion coming back into the cell. I didn't bother to even look at him, so I instead started at the wall behind him. I've lost track of time since I've been here. Isla has resided to the back of my mind and hasn't come out.

I heard him set another tray down and pick up the one from yesterday, sighing as he did so.

"You have to eat Rayna." Legitamite concern was etched in his voice.

"I don't want anything from you. You had so much time to start caring and you chose now?" I spat, wincing at the pain that the silver brought to me.

"Well I did warn you, I don't like to play around," He said. I didn't say anything after that.

"Now eat something," He commanded.  I didn't say anything to that either. "You haven't eaten in days. You haven't moved from that position either."

I lifted my hands slightly, signaling the painful, heavy, silver cuffs I have on, grinding my teeth as I felt the silver burn more into my flesh. "How am I supposed to move when I have something restricting me from moving an inch?" I ask, irritation lacing my voice.

"Your little hunger strike that you have going on here, it's going to kill you," He said, ignoring my question.

"Dying would be better than being here, all alone and in pain." My voice cracked as I let tears fall from my eyes.

My face was dirty and sticky. My voice was barely audible. I was in so much pain. I think this was the first time I've truly wanted to die.

"I would have put you down here long ago, since the first time you disrespected me. But I didn't, for Charles and Daren. They're my best friends." I attempted to growl but everything that came out were wheezes.

"And I am your-" I started coughing while yelling out in pain at the same time. He just stood there, watching me cry in pain. Riley was right, he really is a sadist.

"Mate," I finished in a whisper. Orion grabbed the glass of water and tried to give it to me. I mustered up all the strength I could and picked up my hand to push the glass away, spilling it in the process. He growled in frustration.

"Why won't you let me help you?" He asked, irritated.

"I don't want your help. Especially now," I said.

"Alright. Stay down here. I'm sick of your attitude," He spat as he stood up to leave.


Charles' POV

"Why won't you let me go see her?" I followed Orion all the way to his bedroom from the office.

"I said no Charles. Don't make me tell you again," He repeated for the 5th time.

"I need to see her Orion. Unlike you, I actually give a shit about her," I told him as I closed the bedroom door behind me.

"She's fine," He told me, but I wasn't buying it. He sat down on his bed and I did the same.

"That's funny considering fine for you means barely hanging on for dear life," I said. He stayed silent for a second before speaking.

"I can't trust you. You'll probably get her out of there." He was probably right. I couldn't bare to see her down there, suffering.

"Exactly," He said after I didn't say anything for a couple seconds.

"She doesn't belong down there. She is our Luna for crying out loud."

"She disrespected me. If it wasn't for you and Daren, she would have been down there a long time ago," He hissed.

"She is your mate, Orion. When are you ever going to understand that?" I asked, waving my arms in the air. I was sick of telling him this multiple times.

"I don't care if she is my mate or not Charles. She is dangerous and she only reminds me of that bastard that killed my parents," He spat.

"But she isn't that bastard that killed your parents. Don't you see!" I yelled which made him growl.

I sighed. "Just." I groaned and ran my hand through my hair. "I just want to see how she's doing. We've gotten to be close friends and I'm worried about her." Orion groaned in frustration. He obviously knew I wasn't going to back down until he said yes.

"Fine!" He groaned. "But I have to go with you. Either that or nothing." He pointed at me. I jumped off the bed in excitement.

"Thank you! I hate you slightly less now!" I yelled which made him chuckle.

"Gee thanks, bud," He said as I left the room. I couldn't wait.


Rayna's POV

I was eating breakfast when I heard a growl coming from outside. I got up from my seat just as I finished and put my dish in the sink.

I then went outside, only to be met with my mother cowering in fear with a huge, dark wolf in front of her. The scent that radiated off of it was putrid, so I automatically knew it was a rogue.

My father was behind my mother, trying to get near her to be able to protect from the rogue. My father took another step forward, but the rogue growled, threatening my father, letting him know that he wouldn't hesitate to end my mothers life.

"Momma!" I yelled along with Riley who had joined me only seconds before. Our mother snapped her head in our direction.

"Girls!" She yelled. " Please don't come any closer. Momma loves you; always remember that. Riley, baby, take your sister back inside," She instructed.

"Rayna." I heard a faint whisper. I felt a familiar sting on my wrists and neck.

"Rayna." I heard it again. This time, it sounded louder, as if the source of the sound was getting closer.

"RAYNA." My eyes snapped open. I felt somone shaking me. I looked up to be met with Charles' concerned expression. My neck and wrists were stinging from how much Charles was shaking me.

"Ow," I whined and Charles set me back down to the position I had been in for days.

"Charles?" I asked for clarification.

"Yeah, it's me," He clarified, cracking a bit of a smile. He seemed happy that I was talking to him. However, his smile faded as soon as it came. "Look at you!" He yelled. "You're so pale and you look like you haven't eaten in days!"

"That's because I haven't eaten in days," I told him and his eyes widened.

"Why on earth would you do that!" He asked, his eyes and mouth wide open.

"That's because she has been refusing to eat anything I bring her," Another voice spoke up which I assumed it was Orion's.


"Hunger strike," I replied

Thoughts on this one?

I had more time today to write. I realized I was being dramatic like always. I have some time every day next week to write even though its hoco week.

I won't have much time in wednesday, friday, or saturday since we have hoco things after school.

I hope you're enjoying the book so far. We are so close to 1k. I cant believe we've come this far!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!! This extra update is for you guys!!

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

Different (Currently Rewriting)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora