Eight, Dane

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This basement was like a guy's dream. Huge TV hanging on the wall with an awesome looking sound system. A pool table, dart board, even air hockey. I would have never guessed all of this was down here.

"Pretty cool right? My brother helped a little. He assumed I'd be having massive blow out parties and needed crap for everyone to do. When in reality I come down and play myself in pool a few nights a week and Cass and I watch movies down here curled up on the pull out. We are so lame." She shook her head.

"Part of growing up I guess." Not that I'd really know, I don't do much. Well I play a lot of video games and listen to a lot of music, but not much past that to be honest.

"I guess 24 is growing up, I mean I've had my big girl pants on for a few years now with being out at 18 and everything."

"I've been out on my own since I was 18 also but, right into the military I went." I smiled at her enjoying that I was letting her in on more personal details of my secret life.

"What branch?"

"Navy and moved up the ranks fast, enlisted when I was 18 was through SEAL training and a sniper by the time I was 22. I was invested, my life before that wasn't going anywhere. My parents moved us here for Australia when I was 10 because of my grandmother being sick. We became citizens and stayed, I hated it."

"Where did they move to?"

"We were all over the place trying to get my dying grandmother to well not die. Mostly the East Coast, I was born to barely any snow, and a lot of sun, sand, and surfing. Then to drag me here to the coldest place in the world, so it seemed at the time, it was a nightmare." She was setting up the balls on the pool table. I watched her every move very closely. "When we finally settled it was in Wyoming which if you didn't know has no water and mostly always snows. Nightmare." I laughed, so did she.

"So, were you a troublemaker?" I shook my head

"More a problem solver. I found my calling young. When I realized they would let me be a SEAL I focused on that signing up the second I could."

"Is that how the government found you?"

"They found my skills more than me, put me in other programs to refine them, and made me who I am today." I wasn't lying to her they did find me because of my sniper skills, and combat skills. They fine-tuned them plus taught me how to be if I was ever captured. I've been waterboarded and tortured to the fullest. Kept awake for 72 hours straight for no reason other than to train my body how to live. I've been starved and dehydrated and everything in-between. No part of how I became the best was easy, but it is what I'm good at.

"Is there anyone out there that can do what you do?"

"Deegan is second best. There are very few of us in the world with the skill set that we have so travel is inevitable depending on the task at hand." Which wasn't a lie, we were all over the world which right now I was dreading leaving her. I can't imagine what this is going to feel like Wednesday morning. I try to block the thoughts.

"Which is what brought you to Texas."

"Yes. I know you're trying to learn more about it, my career. I can't tell you much more about it. I can however tell you that I am 28 years old, I have never been married, no serious relationships, and no children. My parents, sister and brother still live in America, New York to be exact, though my parents try to visit what family we have left in Australia often. My income supports them, so they don't have to work, and my brother is a Neurologist, married, with four kids that I barely get to see during the holidays. My sister is your age, well 25, boyfriend, no kids. I'm the black sheep, always have been. I don't have an actual home address because well I don't have a home. My longest friend is Deegan, he like I told you this morning is one of the very few people that know me to the fullest, the others are my parents and siblings, and slowly, hopefully, becoming you. Oh, and I'm also really good at pool." I winked, she smiled.

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