Chapter Ten

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Two Days Later

"Emilia!" I heard my name being called and I walked faster up the stairs into the Pack-house.

Don't get me wrong, I love how everyone has been so nice and welcoming to me. All of the humans from the plane crash see me as their savior and their sort of spokesperson to the shifters. All of the shifters treat me like I am a queen. Which is not as great as it seems.

If they think they have done something to upset or irritate me, they ask for punishment. If I ask for something they don't have, they get a panicked and scared look on their faces as they scramble around trying to do something to appease me. They even take it upon themselves to make sure I am never alone, looking at me like I was the mythical creature who crashed into their lives to personally save them.

I sort of understood it all. Like, I get Jonah wanting some of his- I guess our- pack with me at all times. I mean, we are still on this strange territory of another pack with many different packs and men still visiting.

All of our single pack members had shown up early yesterday and half of them left early today, with Marcus leading them. So, at times, Jonah was a bit overprotective. But really? Between the presidential-like position the humans seemed to have put me in, the almost angelic or royal position the shifters have put me in, and the fact I'm basically never alone... yeah, I kept walking.

What made it worse, though, was that I understood how I have come to change their lives and give them hope. But none of them really saw me. They saw what I had done, how I could help them, and who they wanted to see.

I sped up as I heard my name again, this time from another voice.

Due to the fact Jonah is a visiting Alpha and I am one of the very rare Luna's of the world we had been gifted with one of the rooms in the Pack-house. For the time being, it was the only place I could escape to. Which meant, I just had to make it up the stairs and they couldn't get to me.

They were allowed inside to use the restrooms, kitchen, and some of the common areas. But they should know by now not to go upstairs.

You could work your way around 'getting lost' and going to the wrong place downstairs but not upstairs. They have all been here long enough to know by now- them having been here almost four days now.

Almost there, I thought to myself when I heard my name getting louder as I started up the stairs.

I'm childish, I know. But when you become an extroverted introvert who has basically not been left alone for 125 years, then come talk to me.

I am at my limit.

Yea, I may have been a recently graduated college student who just wrote a bestseller novel. But that does not mean I liked people, socializing, or socializing with people.

College, for me, was not a big socializing scene. I had friends. Well, more like acquaintances I would sometimes hang out with. Many times they would try to get me to go out to the bars with them or go to fraternity parties. I tried. I really did. But those are not my scene.

Alcohol? Tastes gross, is expensive, and is something you'd have to keep up with all night long while there was most likely no place to put it.

Being sweaty and being pushed up against bodies- and usually having to pay for it? Was that even sanitary?

Food? Nonexistent. Not that I would try any of it.

Games? Boring if there were any.

Having to dress up to go out and be miserable? I don't know why anyone enjoyed it.

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