Chapter 24

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Adam's eyes met a pair of emerald ones that were wide open as the girl trembled at the sight of him, much to his horror and dismay.

"No! Get away from me!" She screamed bolting to the furthest corner away from him on the bed, her body shook in fear.

"My love I beg you not to fear me so," he said gently reaching out to his young mate in an attempt to calm her from her panic.

"No! No! I want to go home!" She cried.

"My darling Sara, this will be your home. I promise to be a better beloved. I shall not harn you. I only wish the best for you," he said humbly.

"And I want my family! My home! To be far far away from you!" She replied.

"Sara I cannot allow you to leave. You are to be queen. Many females would die for such a privilege as to be my beloved," he said.

"Are you seriously that vain. I do not want to be your beloved or whatever it is. I'm too young to get married and quite frankly I do not want to be a queen or anything. I just want to finish high school and then hopefully go to university and get a job. I make my own choices and I get to choose what I want my life to be. I do not belong to you like some property," Sara declared.

"My love I promise to treat you better. I've moved our union to a later date to ensure you will feel comfortable around me," he said.

"I don't feel comfortable around you at all and I don't see how forcing me into a marriage even if it is later will do anything to change that. So just let me go would you," she said leaning against the headboard and crossing her arms.

"My love you are very beautiful," he said.

The girl lowered her gaze to him and glared at him furiously.

"Excuse me!? Do you really think sweet talking me and flirting with me will make me want to stay here? If you do then you are an idiot!" She said angrily.

"What is flirting and sweet talking? Is it like courting?" He asked.

"Yes, courting for vain jerks who believe a woman's beauty defines her worth or that a sweet compliment will make her fall head over heels for them. News flash that is not going to work with me," she stated.

"Do females not enjoy compliments, I can find a better way to court you if you wish," he asked.

"I don't want to be courted. Look I understand you have some sort of issues, wanting everyone to call you King and believing yourself not to be human but dragging me into this is hardly fair," Sara sighed.

"Sara I think you know I am not human. I know you know it, you just deny it. You and I are fated for one another-"

"If we're fated then why push it so hard. If it's meant to be then it's meant to be if you believe in fate," Sara said getting to her feet.

"Where are you going?" He asked grabbing her wrist as gently as possible.

"The bathroom. Look I don't think you realise this but if I need the toilet then I need the toilet. I have a bladder and it needs to be emptied," Sara said.

"If I let you go will you give me a chance?"

"I need the toilet!" Sara exclaimed pulling her arm away and running to the bathroom.

"Sara let me in please," he whined as she locked the door behind her.

"I'm going to the toilet! I'm not letting you in here!"

"If you escape I'll tie you to the bed," he said.

"Okay," she said rolling her eyes.

If she wanted to escape she would do it when she was alone not with him locked out of the bathroom.

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