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How are you beautiful people ?

I'm sorry for the break. As some of you know my aunt passed away and I've been stressed and on writers block.

I'll try to update a bigger chapter, for now heres a filler to make you go insane 😂


Shoutout of the week:


You're joke made my day so thank you love!

Everyones were amazing though!!!

Next weeks shoutout goes to the person who can guess my bias in txt and my favorite song from the new album


She read the test as it showed the results and it felt like a sickness came over her.

Her hand cupped her mouth, trying to pertain the gasp that ultimately could have loudly awoke her soulmate who was sleeping in the next room.

It was nearly 8 am, and she was supposed to be getting ready for the shopping day with the girls.

But now her hands were trembling with the test in hand and tears filled her eyes.


It's exactly what you think it is.

The two lines read positive and it was like a nightmare putting the pieces together that in a little under nine months a baby might be born.

She looked to the garbage bin next to the toilet and quickly wrapped the test in toilet paper along with the box and buried it to the bottom.

He can't know. Not until she can stop freaking out herself.

She knew they had talked about having kids, but not at the height of his career, and her still modeling. She felt broken at how he may react.

She knew it would be hard, this wasn't planned, but she knew deep down he would be excited.

She would wait until the right time.

With a huff, she pushed herself up from the ground, wiped her tears, and opened the bathroom door.

From there she saw him sleeping, his back to her.

She walked over, letting herself slide next to him. She hugged his back tightly; his cologne hitting her nostrils as she snuggled her face into his shoulder bone.

'Yah, aren't you supposed to be getting ready goofball?'

The words made his chest vibrate, and her shoulders relaxed as his arms covered hers.

'Yeah but it won't take me long to get ready' She mumbled into him.

A gasp was heard as he abruptly flipped himself, her hands landing on a broad chest as his now wide awake eyes stared at her with amusement.

'You? Not taking long to get ready! Liar! ' He called, and she hit his chest playfully as he pulled her close.

'Kidding you'll look beautiful no matter what' He added, kissing her cheek.

Signs Of A Soulmate • K.T.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora