Author's Note

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Hey, I hope everyone is doing well.

I want to thank those who continuously vote and comment on my story to which I am extremely grateful.

Unfortunately, I have been feeling greatly discouraged to continue working on this story as I do not get much feedback or even votes. It's disappointing to me how hard I work on these chapters, yet it seems like they are not worth anyone's time, which feels like a great waste of my own.

I have the next part written out, and I also planned to add a couple of independent drabble chapters at the end of the story to show glimpses into the near future of this story, but I don't even know whether I should bother doing that.

I wrote out a post on my profile to my followers asking if they preferred longer or shorter chapters due to the knowledge of how tedious a long read can be and I recieved no feedback on that, so then what is the point?

I've decided that if a few people do comment on this post, then MAYBE I'll consider finishing, it. But so far, it's looking like a no.

It's been fun, and I know it's definitely not the greatest piece of work on wattpad, but it's still something I enjoyed doing and devoting my time to.

So with that being said, thank you to whoever took the time to read this and if you'd like me to continue please let me know. If I do not get much communication then I'll sadly terminate the story. Maybe I post it up somewhere else, who knows.

Anyway, thanks to the few who have encouraged me, you inspired me to make this story grow.

Forging A Heart (Ivar the Boneless)Where stories live. Discover now