Bonding With Ratchet

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Stepping off the elevator Skylar pushed herself forwards. Ignoring the mini lake behind her while she walked and dragged in water and mud. The rain would be here a few days, so Skylar had more then enough time to go out and talk more with storm.

She gave a smile to herself when the lights flickered briefly, and continued walking with a bounce in her step. Now wide awake, and with the morning approaching soon she figured she'd stop by the main room, check on Ratchet then go change into new clothes and get something to eat.

And MAYBE, attempt to introduce herself to the team she met briefly earlier. She had already spoken to their leader, maybe so long as he was there she might be able to meet the rest. It would all depend really.

"Doc bot? You here?" She called, giving a heavy shiver before walking in more. Looking up she stepped back when he stepped in front of her, crouched and ran a scan.

"What. Happened." He gritted out. Hovering the scan over her heat when I turned red.

"I was doing rounds when I ran into Grimlock by accident. Stuff happened, we listened to music, and when the song was over I found out his team was there too and flipped. Swoop I think called arcee, and I had her take me to the roof." She gave an absent shrug, stepping into the silver Palm and clinging to his digits when he made a sound and stood fast.

"Why in the pits were you in their half of the base anyway-!? You're soaked!" He snapped.

"I was out in the rain, there's a thunder storm and I stayed out in it cause the rain relaxes me." She said simply shrugging. She gave a hard sneeze, jerking and making sure to do so into her sleeve.

"Ugh." She groaned, sniffing hard and allowing her body to shake from the cold.

"You heart is stressed, and your immune system is attempting to fight off a virus." She groaned again, curling up in the suddenly warm palm and shuddering hard.

"Great, i'm sick. Damn it all thunder." She groaned rolling slightly when Ratchet set her down gingerly. He ignored her mention of Thunder, and focused on gathering a heating cloth and heating pads.

"Wet rags off and wrap this around your frame." Shivering Skylar slowly peeled off all her clothes, keeping her undergarments on and only taking them off once the blanket was wrapped around her frozen form.

"T-thanks Doc." She muttered sneezing hard before clutching a handed pillow and curling up. She could feel her eye lids get heavy, and Ratchet talk to her softly as she fell asleep.

~Sparks Trapped In Dark~

When Skylar woke up Next only Ratchet was in the room, he was looking over medical monitors, as well as her medical file.

"What have we learned from standing out in storms?" Smiling weakly she snuggled into the blessed heat.

"Bring a rain coat and an umbrella." She guessed, smiling when the medic sighed heavily and allowed his shoulders to droop.

"No, don't go out." He scolded turning to look at her. He tilted his helm in memory before frowning.

"Skylar, who is Thunder?" He questioned, narrowing his optics slightly when she tensed.

"Thunder... Is my nickname for the friend I had as a kid. Thunderstorms remind me of him so I call thunder storms thunder." She explained, nuzzling into the warmth more while the medic relaxed and sighed gently.

"I see." She made a face this time and moved to speak. But cut off with a cough.

"Ugh, why do you ask doc?" Ratchet paused mid turn before finishing and continuing to type away on the compurter.

"There was a Decepticon called ThunderCracker. I feared that it might be him and he was using you. How long have you known this human mech?" Skylar hummed, rubbing at her face then scrubbing at her hair.

"Since I was three. He was..... Ten I think?" She murmured before yawning.

"So a long time." She nodded in confirmation, drifting towards a hazy, sick sleep. She breifly felt the blanket be pulled up to her shoulder, as well as a gentle pet to her hair.

"Sleep Skylar. Allow your body to rest and fight off your virus. I will be here when you wake up..."

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