Chapter 18: "Welcome to the Masquerade"

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Part II

(Chapter 18)
"Welcome to the Masquerade"

Saturday, March 14

It's been two weeks and my life had seemed to return to normal.
I had an amasing new boyfriend and we're incredibly happy together, spending as much time together as we could.
I still, however, tried to see Shae regularly even though we were both now in relationships.
Yes, she and Jackson became official.
We're all making progress towards graduation. Everything seemed perfect.
It was almost too good to be true.
Anyway, tonight is the night of our masquerade prom.
Shae and I are getting dressed in our costumes in my bedroom waiting on Darren and Jackson to pick us up.

"I'm so excited for this dance! It's all I've been looking forward to for the last two weeks!" Shae squealed.

"Actually, so have I. Masquerade balls are like out of an incredible dream. They're so beautiful!" Jillian agreed.

"All those movies make it look amasing."

"We got to get dressed, they're going to be here in like half an hour."

Jillian closed the door behind her into her walk-in closet.
When she finally emerged, she saw that Shae had gotten dressed too.

"Oh, my god, you look gorgeous!" Shae exclaimed.

Jillian had put on a short, low-cut, black sequin dress with matching high heels and a striking, shiny black mask over her eyes.

"Thank you! So do you!"

Shae wore the same style dress but a deep red colour, with matching heels and a black mask. Her long black hair was tied back in her usual high ponytail.

"I got to say, I love you like this," Shae told her.

"Dressed up?"

"No. Well, yes. But, no. I meant happy. You've seemed genuinely happy lately."

"Actually... I am. Darren's been incredible to me."

"No doubt. After all the craziness in the last month, you deserve to be happy."

"Thank you, Shae."

They both heard the doorbell ring.

"Come on, they're here!" Shae grabbed Jillian's arm.

When they both got downstairs, Darren and Jackson were waiting for them.

"Wow... you look beautiful," Darren's eyes widened when he saw Jillian.

"You look pretty good yourself," she replied.

Both Darren and Jackson were wearing black and white tuxedos and black masks.

"You both look gorgeous," Jackson said.

"We do, don't we?" Shae giggled.

"So... we actually have a surprise. We got a limo tonight," Jackson told them.

"Oh, my god, are you serious?" Shae gasped.

"Yeah, come on."

Shae ran out the door and Jackson followed.

"Wait... I want to give you something first," Darren stopped Jillian.

"You got me a gift?"

"I did."

"Well, let me see!"

"Close your eyes."


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