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TRIGGER WARNING: use of homophobic slur

It was surprising to me that after all of the confusion I went through the past few days I was still able to focus during our hockey game on Friday night. I could practically feel my father cringing from where he sat in the stands due to the amount of shots I had blocked and the way I was finishing my checks. Surely, I would be sore later, but at that moment it didn't matter. I was having a hell of a game.

We were up 2-0 in the third period when I skated for the puck and ended up being shoved into the boards from behind. I fell to the ice as I heard a whistle being blown and a commotion behind me. I slowly turned my head to see that Fox was shoving the player that had hit me as the ref tried to hold him back. Quickly, I got to my feet and made my way to him, grabbing onto his jersey and pulling him away.

"We're about to get a power play, don't mess it up," I said as his eyes searched my face.

"Are you hurt?" he asked, looking as if he was searching for any visible injuries.

We didn't have time to say anything else as we had to get in formation to continue the game. Fox won the face off, like he seemed to always do, and passed it back to Josh who then passed it back to me. I didn't have a clear shot so I whipped the puck back to Fox. As soon as the puck hit his stick, he redirected it directly into the back of the net.

The five of us that were on the ice gathered in a huddle for celebration before skating back to the bench.

"Ellis," Coach Silva called out. "Do you want to sit for the rest of the game?"

"No, I'm good," I told him with a reassuring smile.

"You've had a lot of time on ice tonight," he pointed out. "It's okay if you're tired, especially after that hit you took."

I just reassured him again that I didn't need to sit out. However, he only put me in for one more shift before the game ended.

"Alright boys good win tonight," Coach Silva congratulated us. "After tonight we have officially clinched a spot in the Masters Tournament up in Maine."

This caused a chorus of cheers throughout the locker room. The Masters Tournament was the biggest hockey tournament in New England. Only the best teams got a shot and the winner won some funding for their team. I had been before with my old team. It was challenging, but it was a good time.

Coach Silva finished talking and allowed us to leave. I took a quick shower then met Josh back out in the locker room.

It turned out that Ava had plans the other night and couldn't participate in our movie night, so we changed it to tonight.

"Are you coming out with us tonight?" Fox asked, walking up behind me with just a towel around his waist. It took all my will power to keep my eyes on his face.

"Can't," I replied, clearing my throat. "I have plans with Josh and Ava."

Fox seemed surprised by this, but didn't comment on it. Instead, he nodded and dropped his towel on the bench before getting dressed. I felt my cheeks heat up and figured Fox only did that to mess with my head. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"Ready to go?" Josh asked me from my other side.

"I guess I'll see you guys later," Fox said before I could answer Josh. He smirked at me and patted me on the shoulder before leaving the locker room.

"What was that about?" Josh questioned, motioning toward Fox.

I let out a deep breath, trying to get the heat out of my face before anyone could notice.

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