7: Auction

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Third person P.O.V

Taehyung was so immersed in playing piano, giggling, and smiling while teasing Hoseok for not doing well that he didn't notice the person, staring at him. The person stared at the blue-haired, his eyes looked distant, deep in thought as a small smile formed on his lips.


"Kook! Where are you?" A man in his 40s was calling for his 13-year-old boy who was in his room. When the man entered the room he saw the boy sad and angry.

"I am not talking to you, appa." The boy huffed in anger cutely and his father chuckled at his reaction.

"My baby is sad? Hmm, but I know how to make my son smile." Mr. Jeon, the famous Mafia was smiling like a normal loving father as he moved to a special room. Soon after the young one followed him, quietly...

"I loved the way you play piano." The young boy smiled widely when his father played his favorite tune on the piano. His father also smiled.

"You also try. I know you can play well." His father pointed him to play but the boy shook his head with a soft smile.

"No appa. This tune is so different and I love to enjoy it while you play.He sat on the nearby stool as he continued to watch his father with admiring eyes.

           --------Flashback end--------

Jungkook was moving back and forth on the chair when he heard a knock on the door. He allowed the person to enter the room and surprisingly the person was Taehyung.

"What?" Jungkook scoffed while continuing to bore his eyes on him. Taehyung stiffened but soon gathered his composure.

"Yo- your drink.." He placed the drink on the table and left quietly.

Jungkook wanted to ask some questions him but he thought it would be better not to. Ignoring the boy, for the time being, he quietly enjoyed his drink.

In the last two days, Taehyung just served the drinks to Jungkook without exchanging a single word and he was beyond relaxed that the older didn't talk to him.

At night Taehyung was sitting in the front garden as he was staring at the sky, enjoying his alone time. Hoseok was already asleep while Namjoon was God knows where and about Jungkook... he didn't think about that much. He was feeling safer in the mansion as he was provided with all necessities including love from Hoseok and care from Namjoon.

He was always hungry for love and care and when he found that, it was like a real blessing for him.

"Eomma! I am happy. Finally, I can feel happy from the heart. You know-- Hoseok and Namjoon Hyung are very caring and Jin Hyung," He smiled cutely and deeply breathed in the fresh air...

"He is like a mother figure. I am so happy to have them all in my life. Finally, I feel like I can live... I can feel the desire to live a proper life."

Taehyung smiled dreamily and closed his eyes, using the chance to feel at ease. It was already late at night, and only the voice of the cool wind and the rustling of leaves could be heard. It felt serene and calm and he loved that.

Even in the dark silence, Taehyung didn't notice as someone approached him and covered him with a jacket. Taehyung flinched at the touch and quickly looked back. The view just widened his eyes well comically, not expecting that at all.

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