She Returns

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As I was deep in thought, she entered the room once again. After every step she took, I could hear her shoes click on the floor. Before I knew it, she was right in front of me, smiling sweetly.

"You're beautiful..."

Just as I went to speak, she planted a soft kiss on my lips. I fell silent and stared.

"You're... beautiful too..." I said, in a trance. Of course, she didn't cast any spell or use her powers. My emotions just slipped out of my control.

"I wish I felt the same way about myself..." That confused me. How could someone with such perfect hair, flawless skin, and beautiful eyes be so self conscious? Guess everyone finds a way to destroy themselves...

I found myself deep in thought once again. She broke my trance when she hugged me as tight as possible. "You don't want to leave, do you..?"

. . . . . . . . .


Monika x female reader (DDLC)Where stories live. Discover now