Living Hell

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Countdown start for beam's identity


Wayo took good care of beam and beam was now completely healed and again Forth started treating him  like an animal.

Forth started forcing him to do all chores of the house and beat him cruelly

His cruelties became worse than ever
Because now somewhere he started realizing that he has feelings for beam

He didn't want to become weak because of love

And it made him even more angry that his heart feel pain to see pain of a slut bitch who slapped him

He didn't want his friends to make fun of him for loving a boy who is his personal bitch and enemy

forth was used to beat him just for decreasing his anger

Wayo was very upset with his brother's behavior

He tried hard to stop Forth, but Forth was his elder brother and he couldn't do anything against him.

Forth didn't hurt beam in front of Wayo and did pretend that he do not hurt beam but everyday new wounds and scars on beam's body were open proof of forth wildness and cruelness

Wayo knew that his p forth  everyday  beat him very cruelly  and force him to do all work of the house he also knew that his p pha know everything but instead of stopping forth he enjoy to see beam in pain and make fun of him


Pha used to stop forth and used to say that he should beat him in limits but now pha became very stone hearted that he didn't care if forth bury him or burn him alive because he started hating him more than anything


The reason of his huge hatred was that he thought that wayo is going away from him and their relationship became mess because of beam and he couldn't tolerate that his wayo go away from him

Wayo was very upset because of everything which was going on beam's life. he couldn't digest the fact that his beloved brother and boyfriend were treating beam worse than animals

Beam and his age was same but forth and pha were not embarrass even a bit for cruelly torture a innocent teenager

they were not guilty for their deeds. they just wanted to take revenge from a innocent teenager whose mistake was that he slapped forth for kissing him forcefully in public and posting his pic on social media with humiliating hash tags

All these things made wayo upset to the extend that he stopped talking to anyone . he even didn't want to talk to nearest and dearest once . He remained silent all the day .he talked to pha very little , he only  talked to people  when its became necessary.

Now pha and wayo didn't have their sweet and lovely talk and pha blamed beam for all this , pha wanted to kill beam for destroying his love life

Whatever forth and pha were doing to beam that made beam broken from inside . It had left deep affects on beam's brain 

Innocent smile of beam's face and naughty spark of his eyes had gone

He forgot how to smile

A deep sadness and darkness could seen in his eyes

All feelings and emotions  had vanished from beam's heart

He looked like a living dead body

He had accepted his defeated fate

He had lost all the hopes of freedom and happy life

His life and breathes were burden on him

At first when forth touched his body he felt dirty and humiliating but now he didn't feel anything .he let him touch his body without any resist and let him did whatever he wanted

Forth's name became fobhia for him

He was tired to take painful breathes and wanted to get rid of his life

Forth had made his life a living hell where neither he live nor he die

Forth was used to take him in the torture room and punished him for every single mistake,he was used to beat him very cruelly and wildly to the extend that his body gone to that stage where human body stop feeling any pain because of the huge amount of pain being given to it


Love is Pain (Forth&Beam)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz