Chapter One

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Georgia glanced at the clock on the dash. It was early spring and although it wasn't yet five o'clock the red sun was sinking to the distant horizon. Her gaze was captured by the peaceful scene of twisted orange clouds, the seatbelt pressing hard against her shoulder.

She turned around in her seat and saw Kami stretched out on the backseat, dozing off while surrounded by CDs and snack wrappers. Georgia smiled to herself as she turned forward, readjusting her seatbelt. She stared out again through the window at icy snow draped on drooping branches, their shadows growing longer and longer by the minute.

She pulled out an old paper map from the glovebox and unfolded it, skimming for their approximate location. She stopped and looked up at the young man driving as the map spilled over her knees.

"Thanks for inviting us to meet your Gran," she nodded to the driver.

"Yeah, she sounds amazing," added Kami sleepily.

The driver switched on the headlights. "Thanks for agreeing to come with me. I know I don't visit nearly enough, but you know I hate driving this far by myself."

Kami grinned as she stretched and sat up. "I'm just excited to meet this adrenaline junkie granny. Didn't you say she does bungee jumping every summer?"

"Among other things," Alex said slowly.

"Has she ever taken you with her?"

"Once, when I was a teenager. Once was more than enough."

Georgia laughed. "That's more than I'd ever try," she admitted.

"You guys are such wimps! I would love to try bungee jumping."

"Sure you would," Alex rolled his eyes as they settled back into a comfortable silence. They drove on through the growing dark.

A figure launched itself into the road from the trees, right in front of the car.

Alex turned the wheel and slammed on the brakes, but not in time to avoid the figure. It hit the windshield, the force sending it backward and causing it to slam on the ground as Georgia and the others pitched forward, stopped by their belts. Georgia gaped. Alex began to hyperventilate.

"What the hell?" Kami screeched in their ears.

Alex opened his door and tumbled out. "Are you okay?" He stood by the car, staring at the crumpled body on the tarmac. "Are you okay?" he repeated.

It didn't move.

Alex grabbed his hair. "Oh my -"

"Alex!" Kami yelled at him. "Calm down! We can call for help."

"You expect me to calm down when I've just hit someone with my car? When I probably killed someone?" he snapped at Kami. He began to pace.

Kami scowled at her phone. "No service," she muttered. "But there's a town nearby. We can go there."

"You want me to drive off and leave this dead guy I just hit with my car in the middle of the road?" Alex exclaimed.

Georgia was still numbly staring out the windshield.

The body twitched. Then his arm moved.

"Guys," she said, "I think he's getting up."

The three of them had eyes on the fallen figure as it slowly pulled itself to its feet. Alex stepped forward hurriedly and extended his arm. "Are you okay?"

It looked up, blood-red eyes locking on him. It snarled.

Alex backed up.

"Get in!" Georgia shouted.

He maneuvered around the open car door and hopped back in front of the wheel. He stomped on the gas pedal and the car shot forward. He swerved around the figure as best as he could but they could still feel the car jolt as the figure was run over again by a rear tire.

"Oh. My gosh," muttered Kami as soon as the figure was out of sight. "That was definitely a zombie."

A quick glance showed Georgia that the others were exactly as pale as she felt. She passed back a fresh bottle of water to Kami and another to Alex.

When they reached the nearest town, they immediately went to the automatic car wash at the first gas station. Afterward, Alex did a thorough inspection of the car. He was relieved that no blood or guts seemed to stick.

Kami went to check in to a motel across the street while Georgia and Alex stepped inside the gas station's convenience store.

Georgia pushed open the door, ringing a small bell above their heads.

It was as chilly inside as outside as if the air conditioner ran full blast year-round. Despite herself, she shivered.

She took a basket while Alex walked up to the cashier, a portly man that seemed unable to stop sneezing.

"Excuse me," Alex tried. The man sneezed a few times in quick succession into a tissue. "Excuse me," he tried again. The man continued to sneeze, turning away from the counter.

Another cashier, a teenage boy, emerged from an aisle and put a hand on the sneezing man's shoulder. "Go take your break. I've got it."

The large man nodded, still sneezing. His eyes were watering, but he managed to find the door to the storeroom. Even with the door shut, the sound of thundering sneezes was still unmistakable.

The boy looked at Alex. "Can I help you?" he asked sharply. Georgia raised her eyebrows and returned her attention to a shelf of snacks, dropping some beef jerky into her basket.

"Look, I was wondering if you ever hear about weird things by the roads or in the woods around here."

The boy's unimpressed expression didn't change. "We hear about monster bears about five or six times a year. But usually those people are really drunk, or-"

Alex shook his head. "No, I mean zombies. Have you heard anything about zombies?" The boy stared at him. "Listen, earlier tonight I hit a guy with my car, right? I thought I killed him. But then he got back up. Crazy? Yes. But his eyes were red. And not like conjunctivitis or contacts or anything. His irises were red. I swear they were glowing too."

The boy stared at him, slowly reaching under the counter.

Georgia rushed to the counter with her basket. "Hey, can you ring this up?"

The boy broke eye contact with Alex, then began to scan items. "Is your friend alright?"

"Yeah," Georgia nodded. "We're just a bit shaken up."

"We? You mean you saw this zombie too?"

Georgia picked up the bag and gave the boy some cash. "It's been a long day on the road, we probably imagined it. Sorry to bother you." She grabbed Alex's arm and tugged him towards the door. "Have a good night."

The door chimed and they were back outside.

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