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You know those love story's you read on the internet? The ones where the mean alphas meet their loving mates, and the world is right again. Well, forget about that, because those are just fantasies. In the real-world wolves are predators. They hunt, kill and eat. Forget about the moon goddess, she doesn't exist. Forget about mates, there's no such thing. Being a werewolf is a curse, but not the one you're thinking of.

When their bones shatter and their beast's take over, they are not the wolves that look like dogs. They are beast with long claws standing on two feet. They can shift whenever they feel like it. Whenever they want to. The full moon doesn't have any effect on them. Most importantly they are always hungry. A thirst for blood, like a vampire, only they eat meat. A beast that is cruel, heartless, an animal by all accounts. What drives them? Power. Their curse is the blood lust, the need to kill. A true predator at the top of the food chain. People call them wolves, werewolves, beasts or Lycan's. They're all the same, they're all monsters.

Not even the police will touch them, for fear of death. We govern ours; they govern their's. Been that way for centuries. The mountains are theirs, but the valleys are ours. A peace treaty established long ago. Only, in order for us to keep a treaty, we had to sacrifice. There are around fifteen thousand residents who reside on our countryside.

The pack of West Point, led by Alpha Greyson, has a pack of close to two hundred. All living right outside of our quaint little town. The peace kept by giving a harvest girl to the pack. To do with as they pleased, of course.

Every year a girl, between the ages of fifteen to twenty, is reaped. She is then given to the pack alpha as a gift. The sentience given is one year, after that they are free to stay or go. But no one has ever returned. Like I said they are free to do as they please. Even kill if they desire.

This was my last year to be reaped. I had finally turned twenty. I was about to graduate from community college at the end of this week. Harvest week. Friday was graduation, Saturday was harvest. Purposely done by our community. So that way students could move forward with their lives. Or be taken without a second thought. A life wasted if you ask me.

But there was no fighting the treaty. All those who wanted to go to college went to the community college in town. Forced to stay or else their families would be slaughtered. Wolves had a way of hunting you down. It's in their nature.

"Luna, you ready yet?" My sister urgently spoke. "We're going to be late!" She yelled once again, smashing her hand against the door frame. Annoyance ridden in her body language. I looked up from the book I was reading.

"I've been waiting on you." I smiled. "Remember?" I said, a little condescending towards her.

She simply rolled her eyes, tucking her blond bobbed hair behind her ear just before stomping off down the stairs. I quickly got out of bed, saving my place in my book. Tucking it in my bookbag. Today was Thursday. My last day of actual classes. Relief was felt but also a pinch of anxiety. After tomorrow what would the world bring? Where would I be? Off to a university or in a cage?

I shudder at the thought, following after my sisters' footsteps. Our old wooden staircase, creaking with every step. I loved this old house, on the inside it looked Victorian, looking more beautiful with age. The outside of our house however, looked just like any other home, nothing special. It was a hidden gem, in our little community. I was shocked my mother payed so little for it.

"I'm waiting." Skylee sassed, sarcastically. Standing next to the front door. She too was going to college, only this was her first year. She still had summer classes though. I smiled to myself, looking at the anger building up in her little body. She was such a firecracker.

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