There's A Boy in my Bed - 31

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The writing style has returned back to normal, and will be from Danté's P.O.V.


"We have to go inside sometime."  Casey whispers into my ear as he lays his hand on my leg, his comforting finger swiping back and forth across my thigh;  luring me;  distracting me - drawing my fixated gaze away from our front door.  "If he loves us.  He'll love us.  If he doesn't...well we don't even have to think about that because it won't happen."

I gulp in response, the culminated nervousness stifling any words from erupting through - an intangible barrier bottling up my emotions.

"Hey.  We'll be okay."  He says as he wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his chest, his familiarly warm embrace a safe-haven for my blurred emotions.

I take a deep breath before opening the door, my eyes noting Harvey's car in the driveway instantly - my heartbeat increasing as Casey makes his way around the car and slides his fingers between mine:  united we stand.

We walk up slowly, each daunting step inching us closer to the front door.  Casey's hand rubs supportingly against mine as I twist the door handle, peering into the empty lounge - my legs following my eyes, leading us in.

"Maybe he's asleep or somethi-"  My sentence dies in a whisper as Harvey paces down stairs, his eyes shooting towards us as he commences on his warpath over.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!?"  My breath hitches as he stops - inches from our faces - his eyes flickering back and forth between us, unsure who to direct his attention too.  He sighs in frustration as his furrowed eyebrows frame his curious eyes, each silent second passing as he slowly forms a sentence in his brain - his very small peanut brain. 

"Why didn't you guys tell me you know...poking each other's bum?  I wouldn't have told anyone.  I promise."  I suppress a laugh as I comprehend his question, my nervousness dissipating away.

"Fuck."  I feel tears prick my eyes as I stare at my brother, his confusion morphing into concern as a stray tear cascades towards the floor.  "I'm so glad you're my brother Harvey."  I crash into his arms, squeezing him tightly - almost as if he could fade away like a leaf in the wind;  his response so effortless yet simultaneously impactful.

"Me too."  He replies as he wraps his arms around me.  I knew it.  I knew everything would be alright.  "Come on bro.  Get in here."  My brother whispers over my shoulder, a pressure coming from behind me as Casey joins in on the embrace.

A comforting tranquility follows as we hold each other, secured and reassured by our eternal and undevoted love.

Harvey's chest starts to rumble as little wisps of giggle escape his lips, interrupting the sentimental moment.

"This is a bit gay."  He whispers out.  I start cackling as I release myself from the embrace, Casey and Harvey's laughter following harmoniously.  Another beautiful moment amplified by Harvey's witty sense of humour.

This is it.  This is perfection.  Casey loves me. Harvey supports me.  I'm proud. I'm happy.  I'm me.

"So are you guys like boyfriends or something?"  Harvey's perplexed tone stuns me - the world freezing around me as I awkwardly dodge Casey's equally floored look.

My stuttering gurgle fails to communicate an answer.  Harvey's crossed arm and raised eyebrow combo pressuring me expectantly, the answer to his question awry in my mind.

"Yup.  We are dating."  Casey swoops in, his finger interlacing between mine - instantly defusing my internal tension.  I look up to him, my admiring eyes scanning over his sculptured face.  He winks at me, fluttering butterflies ravaging my stomach as a confident smirk adorns his lips.

"Yes.  Yes we are."


"Damn.  It's pouring down out there."  I flick my gaze over to Casey, his eyes staring at the thundering weather - raindrops attacking the window with a perpetuated patter.  His naked back muscles tense, the chilly weather nipping his exposed skin.

"Casey.  I know we've spent the whole day relaxing in bed...but...there's some place I really need to go."  

"Wow.  Sick of me already huh?"  He turns around, sauntering to the bed slowly.  I giggle in response, standing up as he nears me - his hands sliding down my chest and wrapping around my waist;  pulling me in;  holding me.  His minty breath pecks my nostrils as his lips linger inches from mine.

"No.  There's just this thing I've gotta buy for this person.  But I can't tell you thing or the person or else you won't wanna do it."  He looks at me curiously, his roaming eyes scanning me over for any hits.

"Wait.  Who is it?  I think I deserve to kn-"  Instinctively I kiss him, halting the sentence in its tracks.  His eyes close as I delve further, twisting him around and pushing him onto the bed.  He looks up at me as I climb onto him, stradling myself on top of his hips.

"So are you just gonna make out with me so I don't ask any more questions?"  I laugh and nod in agreement, his eyes sparkling as I start grinding against his hips - a slight moan escaping his mouth as his eyes roll back into his head.

"Sounds good to me."  He says before he enwraps his arms around my neck and pulls me down, smashing my lips against his.  The heat of the moment overtakes me, my lips trailing down his neck:  kissing him;  devouring him;  suckling him.  I mark him, a slight hickey forming on his collarbone.  

"Ugh I love you."  The moan slips out amidst our kissing.  I pause in shock, reaching up to cover my mouth - wishing that the words would flow back into my mouth as easily as they left.  This is the first time I've ever told him that I love him.

"I love you too babe."  A blush ravages my cheeks, my attention getting lost in his beautiful eyes staring back at me.  A silence washes over us as I sit on him, the romance still present - our silent gazes enough to converse a lifetime of conversations.

"Well.  I guess we better get going then."  He giggles as I push on his chest, swinging my leg over him and standing in the doorway.

"Fine.  Let's go get this mysterious thing for this mysterious person."  He grunts.


"Who's house is this?"  Casey asks as we pull into the driveway;  the pouring rain distorting the view through the windscreen.  I answer with silence as I open up the door and reveal my body to the pelting elements.  With the box under my arm, I walk to the front door - the overhanging awning protecting my dampened skin.  "Fuck.  I wish we never left your bed."  Casey mutters as he runs to my side - swiping the water off of his jacket.

I gulp nervously, my fist hovering over the door;  unable to knock;  unable to disturb the threshold.

"Well I'm not waiting here all day."  Casey murmurs before disturbing my stare down with the door, knocking on it loudly.  His knock echoes as he strikes his hand against the closed door.  My heartbeat pulsates as we hear ruffling from inside, the small stained glass window unable to give a visual depiction of the interior.

The door handle twists slowly before the door swings open, revealing a frazzled Elliot with a gurgling child in his arm.  A heavy silence befalls us, the gurgling sound of his little brother piercing through, providing the only auditory relief.

"Hey."  I finally say;  my shy greeting confusing both Elliot and Casey - the only one smiling being the baby in Elliot's arms.

"Um hey Sunshine...and Sunshine's love..."  He greets Casey awkwardly, addressing him over my shoulder out of politeness.  The familiar silence returns, unable to be warded off by our meagre small talk.

"No offense...but...what are you doing here?"  His question upheaves the tone, my friendly facade shattering as the hurt of seeing me with someone else flashes through his eyes. 

"Um.  I got you a gift."  He lifts his eyebrow in curiosity, narrowing his eyes in on the box under my arm.  His eyes roam eagerly, trying to decipher the generic silhouette through its soggy wrapping paper.


"Just open it."  I push the box towards him.

"Can you hold my little brother while I open it.  Please?"  Elliot turns his attention to Casey, who nods in agreement as he grabs Elliot's little brother from his arms - a slight warmth spreading through his weather-coldened cheeks.  Me and Elliot smile simultaneously as he starts gurgling to the child, pretending to steal its nose - receiving a hearty giggle in return.

I return my focus back to Elliot, handing the present over to him.  His fingers demolish the wrapping paper, discarding it with the excitement of a kid on Christmas Day.

"What is this?"  He asks, twirling the box in his hands while reading its labels.

"Um, it's a white noise machine.  I know how much you hate thunderstorms, and specifically the sound, so I bought it for you.  It's got this function where you can turn it to forest sounds, which is soothing and relaxing...I...wait - are you alright?"  I stop mid-explanation, tears forming in Elliot's eyes.

"Yeah...I'm alright...It's just that no one's ever done something like this before.  No one's ever bought me a present before.  I never even got a Christmas present to be honest."  My heart shatters as the familiar vulnerability of Elliot seeps through, his eyes darting to the ground to avoid my stare.  "So um yeah.  Thanks for this present.  I really appreciate it."  

"Well you can thank him for more presents when we see you guys at Christmas at our place."  Casey announces over my shoulder, shocking us equally as he maintains his adoring eyes on Elliot's brother.  "And you can have some presents too.  Yes you can.  Yes you can."  His pitch rises, mimicking a baby voice as I roll my eyes at his infatuation.

"Um.  Yeah.  That sounds cool.  A Christmas with other people.  It sounds nice."  Elliot finally looks up, the emptiness draining from his eyes as we finally look face to face.

"Well.  We better get going.  I hope you enjoy your present."  I debate in my head whether to hug him, but relent to the tenderness of the moment - wrapping my arms around his back and pulling him in tightly.  He reciprocates;  the hug birthing the early start of an ever-lasting friendship.  "You better tell Casey to give your brother back, or he might steal him."  I tease as we release from the hug.

Casey sadly returns the baby, before we start walking back to the car.

"See ya Sunshine."

"See ya Elliot Jones."

Our simple farewell seals our relationship;  the hurt, love, lust, hate, anger and romance all dissipating away.  His friendly smile the last thing we see before we both drive off;  my thoughts occupying us on the way back home.

"Hey Casey."  He mumbles in response.  "I love you."  He smiles before placing a soft peck on my cheek - his lips leaving the same burning sensation they did the first time we touched.

I love him.  I really do love him.  I love, The Boy in my Bed.


It's finished!  I'm sorry that it took me about a month to publish this chapter...but the thought of finishing the book was overwhelming, and simultaneously heart-wrenching.

I want to thank everyone for continuing to support and read my book;  I am in awe of how successful this has become.  I never in my life thought I could reach 1 Million reads, whilst also taking out #1 in such competitive and broad categories  such as #LGBT and #BoyxBoy.  These achievements were made possible by you guys, and I am eternally grateful.

I hope I rounded up everything well enough, and that this final chapter was everything you dreamed of!  Excuse me while I grab the tissues, because I am so proud of my characters and their progressive arcs throughout the story.

From Danté reclaiming his confidence, to Casey coming to peace with his sexuality, and even Elliot's ability to hold onto a non-sexual relationship;  I love it.  I love my characters.  I really do.

From me, Danté, Harvey, Elliot, Casey, Andre, Boon and even that bitch Annabelle, we would like to say goodbye!



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