Chapter 8

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Savannah's POV

"So, how's it's going with Hayes?" Melissa smirked as we stood in the office, filing paperwork for floor 6.

"Tiring." I groan. "I've had to attend 3 meetings with him to do a news story on his businesses and an insight to our relationship." I signed quotes with my fingers and sighed as Melissa continued to have a lingering smile on her face.

"And he ain't made a move yet? It's been four weeks." She stated and I had to take a minute to think. Had it been four weeks already?

Nothing had changed between us apart from the professional side of things. And that was the way I wanted to keep it.

"We're taking things slow." I mumble, filing papers away into the correct cabinets. "Oh come on, you guys were the cutest couple in high school, you even made it through college together. Time passes and now you guys are back together again, it's like fate!" Melissa gushed and I glared.

"Its not the right time Mel." She couldn't know. No matter how badly I wanted to tell her. The thought was starting to piss me off as faded memories began to come back of how the relationship ended.

Walking in and seeing another girl in his arms felt like a stabbing in the back, literally. He hurt me, I couldn't put myself through that again.

"I'm sorry Sav. I didn't mean to upset you." Her voice became quiet as she bowed her head, facing away from me. I sighed, feeling guilty about snapping. "No Mel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. Even after all this time, it still hurts, you know?" I bit my lip, silently finishing the paperwork and began preparing my cart for the afternoon medicine rounds.

"He'll realise what he lost one day Sav. You're too good for him." She said sincerely, making me smile. "Don't I know it." I said sarcastically, flipping my hair over my shoulder, making us both laugh. "I'll see you on break, yeah?" She smiled and I nodded as she prepared to leave to the 5th floor.

"As always." I smile as I watch her walk through the doors, leaving me in an empty silent hallway. Just as I was about to start my round, my phone buzzed in my white cloak.

Retrieving my phone from my pocket, I check it to see I had a text from Hayes.

Hayes: Pick you up at 6. I've made dinner reservations. I want us to make public appearances at least twice a week. Plus it's part of our list.

Great. Thanks for the heads up, idiot.

Savannah: k.

I reply simply, not wanting to have any further conversation with him.

Hayes: Are you okay?

Savannah: What makes you ask that?

Hayes: Its known to many people if someone replies to a message with just the letter 'k', normally that means either their pissed of at something or that person has done wrong.

Savannah: You over analyse things too much.

Hayes: Are you okay though?

I smile for a split second as his concern but quickly reminded myself who I was talking to.

Savannah: I'm fine. Now if you don't mind, I have a job to do which you distracting me from.

Hayes: Oh, i'm distracting you am I?

Savannah: Like I said, you over analyse things too much. Bye Hayes.

Hayes: Pick you up at 6. See you later.

I stare at my phone for a little longer, reading over the short conversation again.

Why did I agree to this?

I knew things wouldn't be smooth during this journey but I still don't know the exact reason as to why I agreed.

You still like him, dumbass. That's why.

I scowl at the voice in side my head before mumbling to myself "No I dont".

I tended to my duties and before I knew it, 6pm hit the dot and I was punching out of my shift and entering Hayes' car.

"Hard day?" He asked as he saw my eyes close immediately once I sat down. "Hard week more like." I yawn, resting my elbow on the armrest between the seats, leaning my head on my palm.

"I can cancel dinner if you want to reschedule." He offered but I shook my head, looking over to him. "No. Honest, I'm fine. We haven't really made much appearances and we're already 1 month in. As long as you buy me cookie dough ice cream for the way home, I'll be good." I said, making him chuckle.

"I kind of picked up a dress for you. It's back at mines if you want to get it or you can choose your own. It's not a problem." He stuttered, looking slightly flushed. "Thank you. I appreciate it. I'd love to wear it." I accept and soon we were on the road home to Hayes'.

"It's in my room upstairs. There should be heels at the bottom of the bed to." He noted and I looked at him with a smile. "You didn't need to do this, you know." I state. "I didn't need to but ... I wanted to." He seemed to trap me in a daze as I was becoming memorized with his eyes.

The seconds that went by felt like minutes, minutes that felt like hours and if my eyes weren't deceiving me, I'm pretty certain his face was slowly nearing mine.

I blinked rapidly before creating some space between us, excusing myself to run upstairs and change.

The dress was a fitted soft silk red dress which stopped around mid calf along with white satin pumps. I quickly showered and dried off before slipping on the dress and heels, grabbing my nessecities and placing them in my white clutch bag before carefully making my way downstairs to Hayes.

He must've heard my heels clack against the hardwood floors as he turned to face me with a shocked look on his face.

"W-wow. You look amazing." He eyed my dress up and down, almost as if he was drinking me in. "I know I do." I wink playfully before standing in front of the wall mirror to put on my ear rings.

I felt his hands place themselves on my hips, gripping at the dress. "Hmm... are you sure you ain't too tired for this dinner? I can take you back to bed, no problem." I watched him through the mirror as a smirk crawled onto his face.

His body warmth became warmer as he was now fully pushed against my back, his mouth centimetres away from my ear. My breath got caught in my throat.

Show him who's boss Sav.

My inner conscience spoke to me as I smirk.

"I think I'd get more satisfaction from a steak." I smirk, pushing his stunned body away slightly, making my way to the door, swaying my hips teasingly.

"Are you just gonna stand there gawking or are you joining me for dinner?" I snigger, proceeding to make my way to Hayes' drivers car.

This oughta be good.

The Deal With Mr Ceo ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें