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Xavier Knight

A smile made its home on my lips with the intention of not leaving anytime soon.

I had been smiling like a fool since I kissed her. Finally, I got the chance to taste her lips which I wanted to do for so long. Her soft, delicate, feather-like lips tasted so sweet like honey was dripping from them.

I had never gotten so lost in a kiss before. I tasted her lips as I had never tasted before. That kiss was total bliss and surely the best one.

And when she told me I was her first kiss my heart almost stopped.
Her expressions, her reactions, her face, her innocent eyes, her smile everything about her is so cute and adorable. And I like to see the blush on her face.

She was even blushing when she saw me in the morning. I remember her tiptoeing out of her room. I bet she must be hiding from me. She tiptoed to the kitchen wearing work clothes. It was seven-thirty in the morning, I hadn't left for work by then. I had decided to drive her with me to work. Today was off for all other employees because of the party last night except three of the PA they had to come to work as we had some contracts to work on.

Dressed in work clothes, I too tiptoed behind her and made my way to the kitchen. I stopped and saw her searching for something or rather someone. A ghostly smile tugged my lips and I decided to surprise her because I knew she was searching if I was here or had already left for work.

"Looking for me?" I whispered in her ear, making her jump. She turned around with her hand on her heart.

"You are still here?" She asked in shock, blush started crawling on her face.

"Where would I be?" I arched an eyebrow and asked although I knew what she meant. She averted her eyes and took a step back which made me take a step forward. I stood a hand distance from her. I wanted to close the distance between us but I stopped myself.

" generally le..leave at seven," She stuttered. I like the effect I have on her.

"I woke up late," I lied.

"Oh!" She replied, still not looking at me.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked because I didn't, I was just thinking about her.

"Uh..yes, I slept well." I heard the hesitation in her voice. She doesn't know how to lie. Well, I won't press it more because I knew she didn't sleep, must be thinking of the kiss.

"Good. Now let's eat breakfast. Mrs. Molly already prepared it and left." I said.

"You haven't eaten yet?" She asked in surprise.

"I told you I woke up late." Although I woke up early and was in the kitchen when Mrs. Molly was making breakfast. I just wanted to eat with her.

"Oh..okay" She nodded her head.

", you sit, I'll serve the breakfast." She added.

"I'll serve it, you prepare coffee," I said as I rounded the counter to pick up the plate for serving. Drinking coffee made by her is the best way to start my day. I plated breakfast for both of us and placed them on the table, I placed her plate beside me. She came with my coffee in one hand and a glass of juice in another. A cute frown formed on her face when she saw her plate set beside mine. She gave me coffee and hesitantly sat beside me.

After eating breakfast and placing the empty plates in the sink she turned to face me.

"I think I should leave, Finn must be waiting for me." She said.

"Finn is on leave today," I said.

"Oh okay, then I'll take the bus then." She said and rushed out of the kitchen but I stopped her by pulling her by her waist making her gasp.

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