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I'm back!

I'm so sorry for the long wait.

Finals week was incredibly stressful and then I went away for the weekend with my family.

However, the semester is over and that means I'll hopefully have more time for writing!

I hope you're all well.


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A small girl watched a bird watch the world.

Etched in the morning light reflecting through the window, she was unaware until he spoke.

"Ready?" Alexander asked and she turned.

With a smile and a nod, she laced her fingers with his.

Enid hadn't known there was an underground portion to the estate.

A narrow metal staircase behind a locked door that led down and down.

It is more modern than she expected, a contrast to the museum-esc quality of the rooms upstairs.

The walls are white and blank but for black, sleek doors each with an electronic lock about the handle.

They walk to the right, into a more open space where glass windows showcase a line of targets.

"This is the gun range." He explains as he walks to another locked door with a keycode.

As he pushes open the door, a small gasp falls from her lips.

The room is filled with guns, large and small.

Alexander enters the room with a graceful ease and pulls one of the smallest guns down from the closest wall.

"I think this will be a good starting place for you. It's small and cute like you." He winked at her as he grabbed the corresponding ammunition and locked the room back up.

"I don't know anything about guns." Enid admitted, eying the silver weapon with unease.

"That's alright, angel. Here, let's start with how to hold it." His warm grin eased her nerves some.

The metal was cold in her trembling hands.

"The safety is on, so don't worry about it going off." Alexander slipped behind her to help position her arms.

For a while they worked on holding it and practicing firing it without taking the safety off.

He also gave her a lengthy lecture on gun safety.

She tried to keep a straight face as he looked down at her sternly.

It was strange to see him so serious.

Then they got to the real deal.

Enid shook with nerves as he removed the safety and showed her how to load the bullets.

He placed the protective earmuffs and gear on her with a small chuckle.

"We'll have to order some smaller gear for you, little one." Alexander tugged the earmuffs up to fully cover her ears.

He lined them up in front of one of the targets and ran his fingers across her tense shoulders.

"Relax." He whispered in her ear and she sunk against him.

Calmly, he guided her stance and walked her through the steps.

She bit her lip as she squeezed the trigger, her arms shaking from the rebound.

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