3 - Babydoll

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Jackson's POV

+not edited

Last night did not go to plan. At all, and I was angry as hell about it. When I try to be nice it backfires and I had to handle it. So he had to go. Didn't want to kill him, but I had to handle my business.

I also didn't plan on any outsider getting involved. I don't kill random innocent people, but I do kill whoever necessary. When Samuel, the bald guy, had his gun pointed at that random girl I felt the need to protect her. So I did. And I wasn't really planning on her fainting or spending the night at that.

But now she knew some things that she didn't need to know, so we had to keep an eye on her. My thoughts keep drifting back to this morning where she tried to make a run for it and talk her way out of the house. I found it amusing and her voice cute.

I needed to focus. I continued to make phone calls and track shipments and try to organize this complicated mess, but there was never enough time in a day.

I get a knock on my door and I mumble for them to come in. I was slightly irritated at this work, but it is what it is.

"Boss, the tracker in her phone cut out."

"What? How the hell did that happen?" I stand up leaving my office and jog downstairs. One of my men, Axel follows me into the security systems room.

"Benjamin, why's the signal lost? Better yet, how?" I ask over his shoulder in a booming voice. I was beyond tired, I never get any sleep and if I keep adding more problems I'm going to fall out.

"Something could've been wrong with the tracker and it went out, her phone could've broke, or she took it out herself, but I highly doubt that. Not that I'm doubting her skills but I think it's
highly un—" He keeps rambling so I cut him off.

"Well did you get her address, actually that's not a question write it down and give it to me." I demand and in less than 30 seconds her address was in my hand.

I really didn't know what I was going to do with it, but I knew that I wanted to keep a watch on her and plus I was kind of intrigued by her just based off of the fact that the tracker was out in less than 2 hours.

I get in my car, once again making decisions off of impulse and drive to her apartment. I really had other things to do, but I was outside looking for her. I guess I got lucky because she walked outside with two other women. She talked to them as they got in their cars and then got in her own car I'm assuming.

Trying not to be all up on her ass while driving I stay back, staying alert. She pulled into Target and got out. I followed close but far enough behind.

I really don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I turn to leave shaking my head at myself. "Jackson?!" I hear and I turn meeting her. I fully took in her appearance this time, she was absolutely beautiful, but I couldn't have her.

I smirk seeing her furrow her eyebrows and act somewhat frantic. "What."

"I wanna know why you put a fucking tracker in my phone." Her boldness kind of shocked me.

"If you think I'm going to kill you and whatever else is going on in your brain babydoll, I'm not. It pains me to think you'd think that of me." I say the last part sarcastically and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm just keeping a watch on you." I say in all honestly but I don't think that helped anything.

"Do you think that makes me feel any better?" She moves her hands.

"You've been seen with me." I start out.

"Yes only once and?" She rolls her eyes again.

"Babydoll, keep rolling your eyes at me and they're going to fall out. I'm keeping you safe."

"I don't need protection, just know that if I die it's your fault."

"That's why I'm keeping watch on you, it's not going to be my fault." I say before walking away. I stop in my tracks speaking up again, "Would you be a doll and tell me your name?" I act like I already don't know her full name.

"Oh please, you can figure it out, seeing as you found my address and attempted to keep a tracker in my phone." She says walking away leaving me to walk out the store. She's observant, she definitely knows some things that she doesn't need to know.

I speed home walking through the front door of my home. "She took it out herself." I say to my best friend Luca.

"Woah, pretty and smart, mind if I shoot my shot." He jokes and I glare at him.

"Wow ok, she's all yours man."

"Would never happen, I'm too busy and wouldn't want her dragged in this shit."

"She already is dragged into this, and you're dragging her further into this by thinking you're protecting her. Our enemies have eyes and ears all over man, I'm just saying, she's in this whether she wants to or not." He states walking away.

She's just a random ass person, who like she said doesn't need to be protected so why am I thinking of her.

Fuck that I'm going to get laid.


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