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It is said that there is no such thing as a secret in the universe. What you speak is heard by the air; what you think is known to all the elements, and what you do leaves footprints even in ether. Gotya's moves were being watched carefully, while he was quite unaware of it.

When Gotya got back home after his legwork in Bandra, a message awaited him. There was an urgent summon from Savant, the local political worker for Gotya. Mr. Savant was quite flustered when Gotya went to meet him:

"What's the matter with you Gotya? Where are you these days and what the hell are you doing?"

"Savant sahib; you know Shipra is missing and our entire family is disturbed. I too am upset, and frustrated. Nobody is helping. Neither the police nor the party."

"Gotya! Don't you consider me as your well-wisher? Can't you tell me what is troubling you and what help you need? The entire party is at your disposal. We all had love and affection for Shipra; she did so much for the party, and it is our loss too. You should have come here for help rather than doing rounds of Bandra on your own."

"Sir; how do you know I went to Bandra?"

"Gotya, it is our job to know everything about our party workers. I don't understand why you went to the guest house and the party office in Bandra? The police are better equipped to do this kind of enquiry. Why don't you leave the job to the police?"

Gotya worried about this development. How much did Savant know about his visits to Bandra? Had Williams told him everything? No, it must have been the party workers in Bandra whom he met; and perhaps the caretaker of the guest house.

"Sir, I was just doing my duty as a brother. No one here was able to guide me, not even More sir. So I thought I will go to Bandra office where I believe Shipra had gone that day and find out what happened. There I came to know she visited the guest house and so I went there. But the caretaker was not able to say much about my sister. Where could she have gone? Is she alive or dead? If it were your sister, sir, what would you do? The police are inefficient and corrupt, you know that. We do not have money to pay for investigation. Sir, I even went to the Bandra police to find out whether they had any information about Shipra. But they would not even talk to me!"

"Gotya, I know you are disturbed and worried. Now, look here, it is not that I am doing nothing for her. I have already spoken to the party and they have already spoken to the commissioner of police. We will find her out soon that is my assurance. But please do not take things in your hand. Our party does not like our workers to roam around police stations. It brings a bad name to the party. Leave it to me. And stop running around like a detective. From tomorrow, you come here; there is so much work for you, and the party is pleased with your family. I have even recommended some monetary help for your family."

Gotya did not know what to say. He wondered why the party was taking so much interest in the matter.; maybe because of the involvement of some influential person who was with Shipra? It seemed to Gotya that Savant was yet to know that Shipra was dead and how her body had been found in a flat in Bandra. How would Savant react if he told him about Shipra's death? It was clear that the party was concerned about Shipra and perhaps the damage that could be done to its credibility if the news broke out. These were days of media hounds and Gotya was tempted to speak to someone in the press or even on the TV. One thing was clear; and that was the party's involvement in the murder of Shipra.

Should his family accept the money that Savant was proposing to give? This would be hush money, to keep their mouths shut and not to rake up any controversy. One part of his mind seethed with anger while the other was explaining the benefits of accepting the largesse. He would talk to Williams about this, and warn him to be cautious. It was clear that Gotya was being watched, and soon those following him would know that he was carrying out a special mission for Williams. He was not too sure how far to trust Williams; after all, the police too was not incorruptible. There was a strong nexus between police and politicians and this was well known. What if Williams came under pressure to cover up the case? He would be careful about this too.

While Gotya was meeting Savant at Parel, fresh developments were taking place at Bandra. Gotya had earlier briefed Williams about his visit to the shop near the building where the body was discovered. He told Williams about how Manohar was, till a week before working at the shop. Williams had got in touch with his friends at Borivali police station to find out more about Manohar. He had even passed on a copy of the sketch he had made so that identification was easy. To his utter surprise, his contact rang him up immediately with the information that the boy who he was looking for was dead! It seemed that he was on his way to work on the train when the accident took place. The boy was apparently precariously perched at the gate of the compartment when he slipped and fell down on the tracks. He was dead on the spot. His body had been handed over to his relatives in Borivali.

It was a big blow for Williams, who was depending on Manohar for information that could have led to the crime. Now he was dead; Williams wondered whether the death of Manohar was accidental as reported or a murder. Dozens of deaths happen every day on the railway tracks in Mumbai. It was absolutely routine, and it would be impossible to prove it was not accidental. This is how cases get stuck up, thought Williams. Just when he thought he had a positive lead, he was staring at a dead end.

Gotya told Williams about his meeting with Savant; Williams was now convinced that this was a high profile case. The road he had chosen had led him nowhere. It was now imperative that he talk to his superiors about the case and leave it to their better judgement. The party that was involved was not in power but was nevertheless powerful and most likely to return to power in the elections which were around the corner. Their clout cannot be underestimated.

Williams was worried about Gotya, as at some stage he would tell his family about Shipra. The police would have to inform the family. What could happen then would, to a large extent depend on Gotya. Williams thought about the dead boy and the possibilities he had held in this case. How was he involved? He worked at the guest house, presumably part-time. Supposing the murder was committed there, there would have been a need to dispose of the body, and perhaps Manohar was involved here. But Sebastian? Why was his flat chosen? Manohar had worked in the shop close to his flat. Did Manohar at any time meet Sebastian or know him?

Investigators all over the world face one single problem. Their thought process sometimes overtakes them and wish as they would, ideas would force themselves into their minds. There have been cases when investigators were unable to sleep during nights as their minds worked on possibilities. Williams was now caught in such a situation. His mind was working overtime.

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