CHAPTER ONE(ongoing)

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Where is Rebecca?

An angry voice asked from outside the changing room,

It was my boss, and I knew I was terribly late and in trouble.

I woke up late today, and on top of that I couldn't find my uniform,

I had rampage my whole apartment looking for it, only to find it under my bed in one of my bag, how it got there I couldn't tell.

I ran in the direction of the changing room and quickly changed into my uniform, of white plaited skirt that's was too short for my liking and a black shirt that makes me look like a fucking maid,

not wanting to delay any further,
I ran towards the counter panting and sweating profusely I was running a lot today...

"The boss wants to see you in his office right now",

Julia my Coworker and best friend told me with worry etched over her face.

Fear washed over me seeing the worry on her face,
I knew I was in trouble, so I diverted and moved towards the direction of the office,
I can't lose this job, I thought to myself not right now anyway,
I need this job to keep up and survive.

Getting to the door of the office I took a deep breath and knock softly on the door.

"come in", a grumpy voice called from the inside,

slowly I opened the door and walked into the dimly lit office,

I always dreaded coming into this office it looks like a prison to me and I always wonder why someone would stay in such a dark room, anyways it matches his dark and ugly personality

"You sent for me sir," I said as I stood fidgeting with my fingers,

"Yes I did, Rebecca do you want to continue working here," he asked looking at me in the eyes smirking, I looked away from him, he seems to take pleasure in torturing me.

"Of course Sir,
I'm sorry about coming late, Sir I know how you hate tardiness and I promise it won't happen again", I ranted out in one breathe

he didn't look as angry as I expected.

I pray in my mind as I stood there, I needed to get out of here real quick,

"Hmmm...... He looked at me with his red eyes looking at me all over with lust in his eyes,

I felt disgusted,

"I forgive you this time but they won't be the next time do you understand,"

"Yes Sir I reply relief washing over me", I wasn't in much trouble as I expected,

Even though I hated him, I couldn't quit, this job pays the bills so I have to endure,

"Leave my office", he said after a brief moment of silence.

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