Chapter 60 - Not Grounds for Removal

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Chapter 60 - Not Grounds for Removal

    "Now, there's the matter of the Atchafalaya pack," the council leader, Albert, continues. "While Alpha Jackson assures us you are of sound mind, personally, and I think some of my fellow council members would agree with me, I don't think you're fit to be its alpha."

    Some of the other elders nod with his words, showing their accordance.

I should feel insulted, but I don't. They interrogated me over and over again about Cain, about what I saw and what I did the night he took over the pack. I just want the inquisition to be over already. I'm tired, physically and mentally, and I don't think disagreeing with them right now is a good idea.

    "Your rash decisions this past week had a lot of consequences that could have been prevented," he continues. "If you had taken the proper measures, notified us and contacted your respective warrior alpha, then perhaps I would think differently. However, our investigation has found you to be the lawful heir, as established by Abel Lucia's line of succession. Because you are cleared of all charges relating to the insurrection, and being careless is, unfortunately, not grounds for removal, you are, legally it's alpha."

    "I don't want it," I respond after waiting for the man to finish his lengthy admonishment of my actions. Realizing I should make it clear what I mean, I add, "I don't want to be the Atchafalaya alpha."

    "And she's ungrateful for our pardon as well, it seems," the elder next to the leader mutters.

    The council leader keeps the annoyance from his voice, but it shows on his face. "Since all the other designees have passed away, who do you intend to be the leader?"

    "Split the territory up. Divide it evenly among the neighboring packs and give Alpha Addison's pack two portions. Let all members uninvolved in the murders choose what pack they want to join. It's always been too large of a territory anyway."

Albert frowns, the wrinkles around his mouth crinkling up even more. "I suppose that can be done. Next on the agenda is your rogue pack in Washington. Seeing as there needs to be some consequence for your actions, and you yourself did nullify your position as alpha after you fled, we've decided that you will not be allowed to reassume the title nor will you be allowed to take any leadership position in that pack again."

When I hear this, I try to keep a straight face. I had been expecting them to tell me this, but I hadn't expected it to hurt so much. "I understand, sir."

"Does that boy intend to continue leading them?" asks another council member.

I don't know the answer to his question, so I respond candidly. "I think the pack should decide on its leader, whether it be Dylan, a worthy young man, or someone else."

After hearing them call Dylan a boy, I put emphasis on the word "man"; they can take shots at me all they want, but I will not let them disrespect Dylan.

After another hour of loaded questions, the council finally lets me leave the room with the expectation that I answer all additional questions when they come up. I roam the halls of the building for a while, an office building it seems, trying to find a familiar face.

I have to stay in Addison's territory for a few more days in order for them to dissolve my father's pack and tie up all the loose ends to the case. However, I have no idea where I'm staying, and the council wasn't kind enough to tell me where to go next.

It's a relief to know that I'm free, all thanks to Mateus's influence apparently, but it just doesn't seem real yet. After five years of buildup, I have yet to get a resolution.

For now, I just feel like a failure. I feel like my father would have wanted me to lead the pack because that's what he raised me to do, but I feel no connection to it. I don't even know if I'd recognize anyone left, and anyone left probably has contempt for me for leaving them under Cain's iron grip.

Then, there's the pack back in Washington. They're my family now, not these people, and still, I've failed them over and over again too.

Eventually, I run into Alpha Addison.

"Miss Lucia," he begins, "I want to ask for your forgiveness. As the nearest warrior alpha to your pack, I should have investigated into the attacks further. It was my mistake..."

I cut him off as politely as I can while covered in dried blood. "There's nothing to forgive. It wasn't your fault. And please, call me Ariadne. I don't feel connected to the Lucia name."

He grimaces. "Ariadne it is then. Did you need medical attention? I should have begun with that."

"Someone was sent to me earlier. Everything seems to be healing okay, but I would like some and antiseptic and to scrub this all off me. Do you know where I am staying?"

"You'll be in the pack house. I can show you your room."


Not even a minute after Alpha Addison leaves, Dylan comes barging through my door.

"I'd hug you, but you look disgusting," he states, flopping onto my bed. "I raided their closets and got you a change of clothes."

"So you're not mad at me?" I ask.

"No," he says, using his elbows to raise himself up from laying down. "It hurt that you left without telling me or saying goodbye, but I know how twisted your mental state is when it comes to Cain."

"Dylan, I'm sorry."

"You know what hurt the most?" he says after a lengthy period of silence. "Your damn goodbye note. It made me want to cry and pull my hair out in frustration at the same time. You are the closest thing I have to family, Ari. You can't go around writing sad dramatic shit like 'my life has been your life and I'm sorry.' You're supposed to be able to lean on family."

I cringe. He said it in a lighthearted tone, but I can tell it actually hurt him. "You've been the most important person in my life for so long, and you deserved more of a goodbye than that. I'm so so sorry. I love you so much."

And just like that he's back to being Dylan. "Now don't be getting too sappy on me. I got enough of that from the letter."

"I was pretty dramatic, huh?"

"Felt like I was in a damn soap opera."

"Not a horror film?" I suggest, gesturing to myself.

"That too. Take a shower already. Please, I beg of you."


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Question of the week: Was Ariadne's punishment from the council satisfactory? Should it have been more lenient? Less lenient?

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