Chapter 2

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Knight didn't leave my side for the rest of the morning. We must have the same schedule because he would carry me into every class and sit with me in his lap. I protested at first, despite how comfortable it was, and tried to tell him we would get in trouble but he just scoffed and told me not to worry.

The bell had just rung indicating the start of lunch and with seemingly zero effort knight lifted me up and grabbed both our bags.

"Knight, p-please let me walk now. I promise it doesn't even h-hurt anymore." I whispered shyly pleading with my eyes. As much as I secretly loved being in his arms, the stares I was getting from other students were making me uncomfortable. Not to mention I barely even knew Knight, he shouldn't be carrying me around the school like a doll.

"Fine, I will let you down but you must hold my hand and you will not go anywhere without me." He said in a serious tone.

"I-I'm not a c-child," I said offended that he didn't think I could walk around the school by myself.

"Baby I'm not arguing with you about this, you either follow my rules or I keep carrying you. I'd rather carry you anyways." He said chuckling. I let out a sigh in defeat, "fine I'll h-hold your hand." He gave me a look indicating I should continue. "And I won't go anywhere without you." With a nod of approval Knight gently set me down in the hallway and firmly grasped my hand.

"Let's get some food baby." He said leading me to what I assumed would be the cafeteria.

When we arrived in the cafeteria it was loud and filled with people making me a bit anxious, but Knight just continued to lead me through the mass of people towards the line to get food. "What would you like to eat baby?" He asked turning around to face me.

"U-Um I'm r-really not that h-hungry." I stuttered out realizing that I had no way of paying for any food. "I-I had a b-big breakfast," I added on when he looked like he was going to argue. It looked like he had almost believed me until my stomach gave the ultimate betrayal and growled loudly knowing it hadn't been fed since yesterday morning when I found a granola bar in our cupboards.

"Well sounds to me like you need to eat so what will it be?" He asked again. Realizing I had no other option I looked down and admitted why I couldn't eat. "I d-don't have a-any m-money for l-lunch," I said shamefully looking at the floor. I had expected him to make fun of me or even just leave me standing here because I was too poor to hang out with but instead he chuckled and said "babe if you thought I was letting you pay you have another thing coming. So either pick something or I'll be forced to order one of everything so I know I'll get something you like." Not wanting to call his bluff and have him waste all his money I quickly pointed at the pizza that had been making my mouth water since we got in line.

After Knight paid for our food he carried the tray in one hand while guiding me with his other towards a table in the back. As we sat down Knight sat on the same side of the table as me and began to lay the food out. Despite me protesting that I only wanted pizza Knight insisted that he also buy me a drink and a brownie for dessert. The whole time he kept an arm around me, I started to think back and realized that he has not stopped touching me since he picked me up off the floor. I decided to finally question him on it after giving it some thought, "Knight, w-why do you keep touching me a-and holding m-me? Y-you, don't e-even know me." He turned to face me fully and put down his slice of pizza. "Baby you don't know this yet because you're new here but I'm the type of person who knows what they want and will do whatever it takes to take it. The moment I saw you in the classroom this morning I knew you were mine. You might think that I'm moving fast but I know something special when I see it and I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure I can keep you forever. And that includes protecting you from harm at all costs." He then picks up his pizza as if he didn't just tell a girl he just met that day that he wanted her forever. 

I blushed and looked back at the tabled and with nothing else to say I just started nibbling on my pizza. I moaned at the cheesy goodness in my mouth I haven't eaten anything this good in months, which isn't saying much considering I've barely eaten at all. "Shit baby, I mean shoot don't make sounds like that, or I'm gonna take you right here," Knight said looking at me. Confused I looked up at him. "That doesn't make sense, how could you take me here if we are already here?" I asked. He just laughed and pulled me into his side and said "awe baby you are just so adorable". So I responded in the only way a girl can when a giant gorgeous man tells them they are adorable, I quickly went back to eating my pizza.

It was nearing the end of lunch and after a few minutes of comfortable silence, Knight got up to throw away our food, giving me strict instructions to "stay here and don't move". I watched him walk away with our tray when suddenly my view was blocked by a tall brunette girl.

She looked me up and down once before stating, "listen here sweety, I'm Ashley and Knight is mine and I don't appreciate you hanging all over him. I get that you're new here but that doesn't mean that you can be a slut and steal my man. So why don't you just get your hoe ass out of here before I make you." With one last menacing look from Ashely, I got out of my seat and bolted out the doors.

I was hurt and confused but also a little angry that Knight has a girlfriend, clearly, he was just pretending to like me so he could make fun of me later. At least I had thought enough to grab my bag before I left the table. So with a tear in my eye, I headed off in an attempt to find my next class which I had to dig out my timetable to remember, oh ya it was...gym. 

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