Chapter Sixteen

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"It was by a woman named Carmen Addams-Faith, She was got married to a werewolf and just disappeared" Lyra explains.

I look back at Lyra "Lyra, that was my mother you are talking about. She was definitely not a witch, " I explain not believing at all that I am going to hear.

"Amara, your mother was one of the best witches in the United States, when she disappeared a lot of people we're not happy about that. She was so strong and always wanted to help others. Besides only using the one spell on the evil." Leo is standing there with his mouth open not believing what he is hearing also.

"Lyra you did not answer the question. Can you or can you not help Lyra out, " Ezra says again standing up.

"Well that's the problem..." she starts to trail off, " I have an idea of what her mother did, but I need to head back home. I need to look through old grimoires to make sure I do this correctly".

"How long will you be?" I walk towards her to protect her from the other three that are way too nervous at the moment.

"I will be back before the next full moon that is in a week's time, " she looks over to Leo, Ezra, Greyson all standing.

"That is to close you need to help now!" Leo is clearly upset by the news that things can't change as quickly. Ezra and Greyson look at Lyra then back at Leo to decide if they need to intervene.

"I said I will be back as soon as I can, " Lyra states, " I will learn all I can and I will be back. For now, all I can do is give her a ten-minute meeting with her wolf, if she wants that."

I stare between them all not knowing what to say. I would like to meet my wolf and ask questions, but what will happen after the ten minutes.

"What happens after ten minutes? Also, Will, it hurt me or my wolf in any way. I can wait till you find a solution if it is going to hurt me." I look at Lyra hoping for an answer to the question.

" It would be painful for a second but it would not cause any harm to you, the pain would be from the bond trying to make its self known. After ten minutes, the bond will disappear, But what I am going to find out is how to reverse it without your mother doing it herself."

This could be a good thing I could get a feel of things even if it is ten minutes with my wolf. I could start to form something that I am going to have to live with for the rest of my life. I look at Leo and he looks dumbfounded with all this information. "Leo, do you think this us a good idea?"

"Yes, " Leo is definitely thinking about all the options, " I think it is, this may give us inside information that could help Lyra."

I look back at her and nod my head giving her the answer I wanted. She walks over to my side of the room, "Alpha, I am going to touch her head, I am knocking her out for the time she will be with her wolf, as of right now this is the only way I can let the two communicate."

I sit in the chair I was originally in and closed my eyes waiting for something to happen. I feel Lyra's hands on my head and I feel a slight pressure going through my temples. Lyra starts to hum a tune that I instantly recognized from my mother when she was still alive. Before I can say anything to them I feel the darkness take over the little consciousness I have from listening to the song.


As I watch Amara sit in the chair I start to freak out. What if she doesn't accept who her wolf is or hates the way she is going to be after spending time with her wolf. Lyra never told me she was able to do this to Amara. The only reason I was able to get Lyra here was that another Alpha from a neighboring pack owed me a favor and put in a good word for me. All I could tell about her was that she was very young for a witch and very strong, but the way she talked about Amara's mother was a whole different thing.

I look over to Ezra and Greyson; they are watching Lyra as she is humming a very beautiful tune as she falls asleep I assume. I look back at them and realize how quickly they became protective over Amara. The three of us may have been friends since we were toddlers and grew together as if we were blood brothers and grew to protect one another, but once they saw Amara they instantly knew that they needed to protect her. I saw them instantly relax once Lyra took her hands off of Amara and took a seat next to her to wait.

"What do we do now?" Ezra ask.

"We need to wait. She will be very hungry and tired after this so we need to get her to bed after she tells us what she found out." Lyra stares at Ezra as if he was supposed to know what was going on.

" Ezra and Greyson can you get Amara food? Then after you can leave and take the rest of the day off or do whatever you want." I look over at them. I plan on taking Amara back home after this and letting her sleep for however long she needs. " I was just gonna send get to bed after and stay by her side and do some pack paperwork."

"Sounds good, what should we get her, a chicken bacon wrap or a turkey sandwich?" Ezra says getting excited. When every you bring up food he is willing to do a lot of things.

"Whatever you think she will like and don't give her to much food, just something small for her to eat and not get sick." I look back at Ezra wide-eyed ready to make food and eat food himself.

"Will do. Come on Greyson we gotta go!" Greyson just rolls his eyes and walks out without Ezra.

Wow, my friends are dorks, all Ezra does in life is eat food, well... and also hang out with his mate, other than that he is very lazy. Greyson will make sure that Amara actually gets a plate of food before Ezra eats it all.

"Lyra, I have a question?" I look over to her.

"Well you just did, so I can't answer that, " she smirks knowing what I meant. "But I am being generous so yes you may ask another question if you wish."

" Will you actually be able to find something to help Amara? She has been given so much false hope and pain in her life I want her to have something good for once." I look her straight in the eyes hoping they will give me the answer I want.

"I use to be an apprentice to her mother, she never told me about Amara, but she was definitely working on something before she disappeared and left all her grimoires for me to read and learn from." Lyra looks away from me and focuses elsewhere.

" I am going to go through the books and see if I can find a spell that can create and or repair bonds. If I can find something that can repair the bond between Amara and her wolf. She will then become a werewolf on the next night." She looms back up at me, " I will do everything I can for my sister."

Author Note
Favorite Ice cream Flavor?
Mine is Raspberry Cheesecake.

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