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I woke with a start; I was back in bed, and in my apartment.

What the fuck happened? Was that man a dream?

The small amount of remaining vomit that was crusted onto my discarded shirt said otherwise. I feel like crying. I turn to my phone and groan when the red battery sign appears. I find my charger and struggle to get it into the outlet. I wait for it to charge, and my head pounds from the illumination of my phone finally turning back on in my hands. The light makes me squint and hold the phone away. 6:45am flashes across the screen.


How was it the morning already?

I saunter to the kitchen, when I suddenly realize I have class in a couple hours.  I replay the events of last night in my head. It's like an investigation as I try to piece everything together.

Okay. Firstly, I went for a walk and I met that man. That beautiful man. And then I vomited on his shoes. The next moments are where my memory fail. I vaguely remember Isaac appearing from almost out nowhere and dragging me home. Did he know that man?

I think to myself as I sit with my hands in my lap. He and Lenna must have finished soon after I left, to have been walking past.


I exit my apartment after grabbing a quick robe to throw on. I knock on her door to make sure she is okay, and of course I'm greeted with a bright smile. I'm completely astounded by her ability to be not.... hungover. She assures me she's fine and that her and Isaac were just having fun.

"Yeah it sounded like you were having a lot of fun," I giggle at her. She instantly starts gushing at me.

"It was so much fun, just wait until you have sex with a wer—''

"With a what?" I ask, as she had stopped her sentence suddenly.

"A football player," She snaps quickly. "They have amazing stamina from all that practice." She laughs before claiming she has to go get ready, and turning back around into her apartment. I shrug it off, and return back to my apartment to do the exact same thing.


The hot water runs down my back as I stand in the shower. I hope I never have to see that man again, despite him being so attractive. Embarrassment courses through me. My cheeks heat up even though there is no one there to witness this horror. I quickly shove off the water by turning the handle, and step out of the shower. I would do anything to remove all traces of last night from my mind.


The kettle rings in my ear and I snap it off. I really don't have the capacity to listen to that annoying ringing. I sit down with my fresh cup of green tea, after I had managed to shower. Even after I gulp down the cup, my throat feels coarse from throwing up.


The clock indicates its 8:47am. Shit. I was in the shower for way longer than I thought. I have ancient history at 9:15am. I curse that I chose an elective with such an early start time.

I trudge to campus in sweats because I have no time to change. Lenna was right when she said everything is in walking distance, so I don't even bother taking the bus.

Finding my class takes a lot of concentration. The sea of people quickly becomes disorienting, and I pass what seems like hundreds of doors before I find room 103A. Finally. I choose a seat near the front of the class, as I always have been a bit of a teacher's pet and that wasn't going to stop now just because I was in University.

Alpha Klayton | ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt